This is a little self balancing robot I created to show the effects of PID control systems. Its made up from an Arduino Nano connected to a custom PCB which is connected to a chassis, an Accel/Gyro IMU, Motor driver, and two motors. Its fully open source right now and all the files(e.g. code, chassis and pcb) are available on my website. Also on the website is how I built it and a parts list. Feel free to message/email me regarding it if you should have any questions. Everyday I mess with it and improve the program to make it do more things.
Balances on two wheels
- Actuators / output devices: 26:1 Gear Motor
- Control method: Arduino, PID
- CPU: Arduino Nano V3
- Power source: 2 3.7V LiPo Batteries
- Programming language: C
- Sensors / input devices: accelerometer, Gyrometer
- Target environment: indoor, desks, floors
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