Pick and Place robot

A simple pick and place robot which is my first robot.

I haven't made it autonomous.

But it is possible to do it.

Picks and places a block...

  • Actuators / output devices: Dc geared motors
  • Control method: dpdt switches
  • Power source: 4 batteries 5v
  • Target environment: Indoor or outdoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/pick-and-place-robot

Very good, parts?
Interesting components on the robot, where did you find/make the gears and tracks?

That’s a pretty nifty cad

That’s a pretty nifty cad drawing. Did you use solidworks or something?

P.S. Awesome robot =)

Yes, I wanna know as well.

Yes, I wanna know as well. Where/how can I get that hardware?

/ vzz-clck-"Maneuver"

This is aparently where this

This is aparently where this robot comes from:


http://robosoftsystems.co.in/robobricks.html (Thanks again, Google)

However, I cannot find a place to buy the kit (without going to India and taking that course :) I have written and asked them.

Shafika syed is willing to sell! (Apu-voice!)


Shafika syed

to me
show details 12:42 PM (28 minutes ago)




Yes, we are selling this kit. we will be updating it shortly in our website. if you have urgent requirement to can come down to our office and buy.

The kit is available in 2 parts, just mechanical or mechanical with electronics ( controlled through PS2 wireless)
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On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 2:12 PM, Frits L <[email protected]> wrote:

I am Frits Lyneborg from letsmakerobots.com

Our attention has been brought to the kit you have on http://robosoftsystems.co.in/robobricks.html

We do not seem to be able to find any more details on the kit, is it possible to buy the hardware anywhere?



Shafika Syed
Managing Partner


exchange rates

Gathering from the webpage, it seems that the course including parts costs approx. $116 for four persons. But does that include one or four robot kits?

/ vzz-clck-"Maneuver"


yup u get the hardware from robosoft systems…

the cost is inclusive for one robot kit…



I didnt have to take the course…

fahad who works there explained the mechanism to me in an hr… :slight_smile:


Man, I loved India…

I backpacked India when I was younger. What a beautiful part of the world. I can still remember the Tata trucks trying to kill us coming down the curvy mountian roads when we were trying to drive up! --Does the Pelica Bizzarr still exist? How about those cool comic books -Amar Kitra Kalla? I know my spelling is not right and it was 10 or more years ago. I will never forget the Taj Mahal, amazing! I guess that’s it, I hope to be able to buy the cool robot we are all talking about!


Ah, yes, the Tata trucks.

Ah, yes, the Tata trucks. I’ve never been to India, but this Tata owner in Capri was quite happy with it :slight_smile:



TCG --A little bigger…
That may be a Tata truck, but I’m talking about logging trucks! Something in the order of 10-15,000 kilos! The kind, that when they hit you, you go ta-ta!


ya palika bazzar still exists… so does amar chitra katha… :slight_smile:

Not bad u do remem a lot abt india…

well… taj mahal ws an unforgettable experience for me also…

ta-ta trucks…lol :wink:


interesting stuff, i’m

interesting stuff, i’m hoping to to make my first soon, i happened to find something i like here(http://robokits.co.in/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=10_65&products_id=214)

however i’m still looking for a decent shop in mumbai, i’m much more comfortable buying stuff from around…

@Priyanka Did you attend the course at robosoftsystems?

Details regarding online purchase
You can buy this robot form www.robosoftsystems.co.in/roboshop . Plus lots of other accesories for robotics