Picaxe questions

I started with an Arduinno because I read about it in Make Magazine (so very recently). I am considering trying Picaxe, because it seems as though the programming will be easier and I do not have a strong programming background (read: Basic in 1984).

Two quick questions:

  1. In Solarbotics I note a Picaxe 28X1 IC and a Picaxe 28X2 IC Low Voltage. How much difference is there between the two? I note that the normal voltage Picaxe 28X2 IC has been discontinued. (All of this makes me think of a separate question regarding voltage and motors, but I'll hold that for now.) Is there a reason I would get one as opposed to the other>
  2. If I get one of the Picaxe 28s and a project board and a USB Picaxe programming cable, will I have what I need to get started?

I note that the project board has a 9 volt battery snap, but that 9 volts will fry the picaxe. Is that just preverse? Or do they sell more Picaxes that way?

Also, I occasionally hear about BasicStamp ) I think  it is. I have gathered from this site that Picaxe can manage a robot pretty well and has programming that can be grasped by a beginner. Should I be considering BasicStamp as well?

Thanks for any input, opinions and advice!


Go for the x1 over the x2 at 3.3v. If you are just starting out, you don’t need the extra features and with a 5v chip you are less likely to fry stuff. Most of the other picaxe stuff is 5v anyway.

I would also get a small breadboard, some jumper wires and maybe a few LED’s and resistors.

I CLEARLY says in many many many many places that a 9v battery will fry your picaxe. Its on the package, its in the manual, etc. etc. Battery packs (many AA packs) have come with “9v” snaps for ever --this is common. In my mind, it could be looked at as a simple test. If one jumps into “just plugging stuff in” too quickly, having never even skimmed the manuals, they will fry the chip. This could be seen as an omen as to this maybe not being the hobby for that particular person. --This is not the only thing wrong you can do with a chip, mind you --Read the manual for a list of other stuff.

Basic stamp is fine as well --the language and power are similar to picaxe. Picaxe is a little more familiar around here and you will probably get more and better answers when asking about it.

Any reason you are not just going with the start here robot? Good batch of parts at a good price.

Re: BasicStamp

If you intend to try PICAXEs, I would suggest you don’t go with the BasicStamp. You will spend about 10 times as much per BasicStamp. With the programming cable you will be able to purchase PICAXEs all day long and save yourself a load of cash.

I would second CtCs suggestion on extra hardware to purchase along with the PICAXEs.

Just to chime in with the

Just to chime in with the basic stamp, the picaxe is sort of between a basic stamp 1 and 2. You have a lot more functions with the BS2, but the biggest thing lacking IMO is interrupts. The other thing is also that the BS product line is a lot more expensive…so you’d be better off with a picaxe as it’ll give you more bang for the buck. I do recommend though taking a look at some of the manuals and such for the BS product line as they have a great set of ducuments. Honestly, grade AAA documention. 

Re: Not Going with the Start Here Robot

Thanks Chris. I’ve glot the breadboard, LEDs, etc since I’ve been working oin learning my Arduino for a while, so it’s just the brain I’m thinking about changing.

Re: Start Here Robot, I just spent a lot on things related to the Arduino, so am trying to keep my budget in check for a while… which I would have a harder time doing if the SHRs were in stock. They’re not.

Is there a primary tutorial book for Picaxe?

Is there one book that you all would recommend above others for learning Picaxe?

My vote …

is for the PICAXE manuals that Rev-Ed has posted. You already know BASIC. You would be just learning how to interact with pins instead of PRINTing to the screen.

Just so you know, there are

Just so you know, there are quite a few Arduino versions of the SHR posted here on LMR, if you are looking for a basic robot to get started with, and you want to stick with the Arduino.

You’re still going to need a motor driver, sensor, etc. to complete the project, in addition to the Arduino processor itself.

I found PICAXE manuals to be very useful

Yeah I started over a year ago i think and having read the manual i am yet to fry a chip. The 9v battery strap thing was puzzling at first but even the project board manual and on the site i do recall them saying DO NOT USE a 9v. But as all the peeps before me have said this site provides a good reference point for identifying everything you need to know about the PICAXE.

Search for a bot on here call “litte 8” there you will see a 9v being used but the voltage was stepped down using a 5v voltage regulator. All my projects have  similar setup with some modifications I borrowed from the sparkfun tutorial about regulated power supply.

Who/what is Rev-Ed?

I’m not familiar with Rev-Ed. Can you give me a link? Thanks.

Re: Arduino SHRs

I’ve noticed the Arduino SHRs, but like the fact that Solarbotics theoretically has a SHR bundle (they’re out of stock and don’t mention the SHR bundle on either their kits or bundles links, so I don’t know how dedicated they are to it). Also, I don’t want to go through the trouble to figure out the programming for the SHR on the Arduino. The other change to the standard SHR that interests me is using an ultra-sonic range sensor instead of an IR range sensor.

My thoughts about switching over have more to do with my learning curve on the programming end of things. I would like to put my efforts into robotics problem solving than learning a language whic I am finding to be hard going. My decision was largely influenced by Frits’s piece on Arduino vs. Picaxe which, although he disclaims as very old, spoke to me.

Found Rev-Ed. Thanks.

Found Rev-Ed. Thanks.

** Do u guys know how to hook**

 Do u guys know how to hook up sd20 to pic28x1 projectboard?

i hooked it up the way it shown on the manual…then i wrote this:

i2cslave $C2,i2cfast,i2cbyte     

writei2c 1,(1)

wait 1

writei2c 1,(254)

wait 1

but its just not working at all…

Ahem. This is the third

Ahem. This is the third post of yours basically asking the same question on diffferent forum topics. That is really not an effective way to use the forums, as any answers you get will be scattered all over. That is bad for you, and worse for people who might be looking for a similar answer in the future.

Try to ask a question once and give folks time to respond.

Sorry about that :)…it’s
Sorry about that :)…it’s it’s an old habit that used to be effective in the old days…:slight_smile: