Picaxe programming jack?

Anyone know of a place I could just buy the little jack to connect a picaxe microcontroller to my computer?

Thanks. :)

It’s more than just a cable.

It’s more than just a cable.

And there are 3 versions, all can be purchased from here. (Sorry, they do not allow deep linking, crap website, you will have to search for “download cable” yourself)

The cable page is

The cable page is here:

I already have the cable. I
I already have the cable. I just need the little jack that the cable hooks up to on the board.

do you mean the socket?

do you mean the socket? this:


most electric stores will have them, maplin may not be the best place, depending where you live.

Perfect! This is exactly

Perfect! This is exactly what I was looking for! Does anyone know of a place I could get it in USD (the type that Ajster gave the link for so I can solder in easily)?

Thanks :slight_smile:

As of about an hour ago I’m

As of about an hour ago I’m boycotting Radioshack (long story). I want to be able to solder the jack onto pcbs really easily so I don’t want any normal headphone jack where I have the socket dangling off of it. I checked Sparkfun, and they only have the cable version (I actually emailed them and asked about it). And Fry’s only has the cable version as well. I’m looking for just the little jack that’s seen on Picaxe boards.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Yep just found it. Sorry,
Yep just found it. Sorry, missed it my first time around. :slight_smile:

Comes out to about 12 cents each which is less than 1 tenth the sparkfun price but this company is in the UK. If you need a bunch it would be cheaper to order from here.When I bought them I ordered 50 or so since I use them on every board I make.

Digikey for 0.44Mouser for

Digikey for 0.44

Mouser for 0.61