PICAXE or Arduino For Starters

I am just starting out in the field of robotics, and I am looking for someplace to start.
I was wondering if anyone had anysuggestions on which hardware I should learn first.
My end goal is to be able to control my bots remotely via wireless of some kind.
I have listed two of the kits I am looking at getting below. One is the PICAXE starter kit from LMR and the other is a starter bundle for Arduino's from Solarbotics. Any suggestions would be welcome.

LMR Starter Kit

Arduino Starter Bundle - Ultimate


Thanks for the info.

One More Question

You would happen to know of any good books for learning to use PICAXE.

Thanks Again

Take a look at the manuals

Take a look at the manuals that come with the programming editor(free download). Thats the best place to start. You can also start  playing around with code and testing it out with the built in simulator. Actually you should get into the habbit of using the simulator regardless of having a proc or not as it will help quite a bit in debugging.