my procedures
Thank you very much for your kind suggestions!!
I think my AXE027 USB must connect to PC correctly. In Device Manager -> Ports -> AXE027 PICAXE USB (COM4) ->propertie,
I can see the following comment: This device is working properly.
My procedures is in following:
1) power up the board
2) connect AXE027 USB on PC
3) run Picaxe programming editor and check the options to make sure the COM of AXE027,
4) just double check the COM on PC like the above,
5) connect AXE027 on the project board,
6) then download my simplest program, which is the same as the manual,
The following procedures were done after getting the complainments from the Pixeca programming editor:
1) check the power -> more or less 5 V from rechargable batteries,
2) check the power between 1 and 28 on the 28-pin microcontroller (MIC035) -> O.K.
3) try to reset on the board -> I tried to reset it using two methods along the manual. I pressed the reset bottum on the board,
then started to download my program, then release the reset bottum. Then I got the same complainment everytime.
So far I did not put any device on the output site. Is it matter to download the program? Please give me your knowledges.
Best Regards,