Picaxe: hardware not found

I tried to run my first program on the 28 pin Project Board. The program is the same as Quick start in the manual.

When I try to download the program, the programming editor says hardware not found.

And it says 1) hardware not connected (it is O.K.) 2) hardware not powered (I checked the power is more or less 5.2 V) 4) chip needs a reset (which i tried several times).

Now I have no idea what I can do. Could you give me advice?


My setup: XP (professional ver 2002) service pack3.

AXE027 PICAXE USB Download Cable ( I am sure it is working well)


this error is far too common

And it should be searchable. Well what do you know…

Hint: go for the page that describes the “hard reset”.

Happens to me all the time.

Here’s what I do:

Open the Options dialog. Select a COM that you’re NOT using. Click Refresh, then select the COM that you are using. Click Apply and then go.

I have to do this any time I switch between different Basic files and sometimes when I move between different apps.

Always use the same usb hole.
After you establish a working "com" be sure to always use that same USB port every time.

just asking…
you put in the chip the right way, right? and, like what they said, try plugging the cable into different USB ports if you have more than one.

not yet

Thank you very much for your kindness and comments.

Actually I had already tried RESET and checked COM…

but it had no effect on.

I assume something wrong on my side.

Do you have an idea how to check my procedure or how to check my 28 pin?


Thanks in advance!!



Thank you very much!!

My battery is four rechargable ones (3AA). I think it is not so bad for the circuit.

Anyway this is a nice lecture for me, Thank you very much for your deep consideration.




Any good with your 28x1?If

Any good with your 28x1?

If you could describe how you do things in detail, we possibly could spot something…

I mean something like:

  1. Connect cable to project board.
  2. Power up the project board.
  3. …etc… bla-bla-bla…

By the way, are sure you are using the right COM port? The first time I used Programming editor, it selected by default the wrong COM, the one used by Bluetooth… You can check it in Device Manager under "Ports (COM&LPT)" It Should say AXE027 PICAXE USB (COMxx) <- This is the one to be set in programming editor.

Possibly you have already did all this checks :slight_smile:

my procedures

Thank you very much for your kind suggestions!!

I think my AXE027 USB must connect to PC correctly. In Device Manager -> Ports -> AXE027 PICAXE USB (COM4) ->propertie,

I can see the following comment: This device is working properly.

My procedures is in following:

1) power up the board

2) connect AXE027 USB on PC

3) run Picaxe programming editor and check the options to make sure the COM of AXE027,

4) just double check the COM on PC like the above,

5) connect AXE027 on the project board,

6) then download my simplest program, which is the same as the manual,


The following procedures were done after getting the complainments from the Pixeca programming editor:

1) check the power -> more or less 5 V from rechargable batteries,

2) check the power between 1 and 28 on the 28-pin microcontroller (MIC035) -> O.K.

3) try to reset on the board -> I tried to reset it using two methods along the manual. I pressed the reset bottum on the board,

then started to download my program, then release the reset bottum. Then I got the same complainment everytime.


So far I did not put any device on the output site. Is it matter to download the program? Please give me your knowledges.



Best Regards,















Hmmm… Looks like you are doing everything in right way.

Did you use 4x rechargeble cells all the time from begining?

In Picaxe manual there is statement: "For troubleshooting use 3x AA cells only"

Give it a try.

Thanks a lot!!

I will try to do it.

Now I can not change it easily.

Hope it gives me a nice result.




a small, but important detail… I stumbled over

Hi Tomi,

I know I’m late in giving a comment here, and possibly you’ve solved it, but in case not;

I spent a lot of time faffing around with my picaxe, exactly as you’re having, to the point where I went down town to get a new one.

Since you don’t say so explicitly, it’s worth checking that you are using a picaxe chip - NOT just a regular pic chip - they are NOT THE SAME THING. Really. If you’re buying your pic chips from the local store, they are NOT going to be picaxe chips and it will be impossible for the hardware to find anything - resulting in the exact message you are getting.

Have you ever managed a sucessful download to that chip via the process you mention?


same problem over here man

same problem over here man