Hello LMR,
I mean this posts for thos who know something about Picaxe:
I need help! Please someone go over the code and tell what did I do wrong so that when I make pin 4 = 1 nothing happens!
Did I miss anything, did I add something that is wrong? Don´t worry about the spanish parts they are just labels.
init: pause 500
serout 7, n2400, (254,1)
if pin3 = 1 then puerta2
if pin3 = 0 then ledoff
if pin4 = 1 then puerta3
if pin4 = 0 then ledoff
puerta2: `Puerta de la terraza
high 2
serout 7, n2400, (254,128, "----¡Alerta!----")
serout 7, n2400, (254,192, "¡TerrazaGrande!")
pause 100
if pin1 = 1 then alarmreset
if pin1 = 0 then puerta2
puerta3: `Puerta que dá al lavadero y al cuarto del 2ndo piso
high 2
serout 7, n2400, (254,128, "----¡Alerta!----")
serout 7, n2400, (254, 192, "Puerta lavadero!")
pause 100
if pin1 = 1 then alarmreset
if pin1 = 0 then puerta3
ledoff: `Si todos los circuitos estan abiertos, todo bien
low 2
serout 7, n2400, (254,128,"---Todo Bien!---")
pause 100
goto main
alarmreset: `Para resetear la alarma y que deje de sonar (circuito tiene que estar abierto otra vez)
low 2
serout 7, n2400, (254,1)
pause 30
serout 7, n2400, ("---RESETEADO!---")
pause 3000
serout 7, n2400, (254,1)
pause 30
goto main
A lot of issues.
There is a lot here.
There is nothing at the end of any of your routines. Start at the beginning:
if pin3 = 1 then puerta2
if pin3 = 0 then ledoff
if pin4 = 1 then puerta3
if pin4 = 0 then ledoff
*** right here!!*** After doing the 4 lines above, it just keeps going! you need a goto main here
puerta2: `Puerta de la terraza
Same problem with the other routines. Are they routines or subroutines? Goto’s or gosub’s? Go through the code with the simulator or by hand and you should see what is going on.
noticed more
You are never going to get past the 2nd line after main. The first 2 IF’s. Pin 3 is always going to be either 1 or 0 so you are always going to go to either puerta2 or ledoff. The code above will never get to IF PIN4…
Okay so:
So I am missing an ending for the rutines right?
From what I understand I need to do the following:
if pin3 = 1 then puerta2
if pin3 = 0 then ledoff
if pin4 = 1 then puerta3
if pin4 = 0 then ledoff
goto main <<<<<<<< I need this right?
But this isnt the end of the code, so if I am right the goto main should be at the end of main?
edit they are supossed to be subrutines, I checked it and it never checks the rest of pins, but why?
You really need to read the manual !
If you jump back to main from the subroutines you never get to execute the statement after the routine has been called
If pin3 = 0 then gosub LedON
… next statement
High LED
Okay okay
okay so let me see if I get it:
If I use goto main, the next statement wont be executed so what I need to do is
if pin3 = 0 then gosub LedON
if pin4 = 0 then gosub LedON
high 2
return <<<<instead of goto main
Okay now its right
I followed your advice, took goto ledoff command used return and now… IT ALL WORKS! thank you again Geir Andersen!