Picaxe and Arduino- all on one board

picduino-v1.3brd.png (28814Bytes)
picduino-v1.3sch.png (57580Bytes)
untitled.brd (50046Bytes)
untitled.sch (154861Bytes)

Well here is the idea. A board with a Picaxe and a Arduino on it (Picaxe 28x2 and Arduino 328). It will have I/Os from both of them and one programming port. There will be space for both chips. You can use one, or the other, or both. Maybe use one as a slave. I would think this would be good for people who want to start off and cant decide between either. A side by side comparison if you will. All programmed with one port and one FTDI cable. I have started work on a schematic. Any comments / ideas? I have researched programming a Picaxe with a Arduino FTDI cable. All it takes is a hex inverter chip. After that it seems pretty easy. Here is a price estimate

  • PCB $4
  • Arduino 328 $4
  • Picaxe 28x2 $10 
  • L293d  $4
  • Resistor array chip (for picaxe) $0.60
  • Sockets, headers and discrete components  $6 or less.

Just a estimate but probably all under $30

USB FTDI cable is $17


Here is version 1.1. Still the inputs for the motor drivers are not connected so i have to decide how i want to do that and which outputs from the microcontrollers i want to use. I also showed today that it was possible to program the picaxe with a arduino FTDI. I have updated the eagle file too. So if i do make these i will probably only order one batch of 10. I will keep a few and sell/give the the others. But it needs refining before that point. I would just sell the PCBs and provide a list of needed components.





Taking oddbot's advice, i have made the power traces larger in some areas. ALOT LARGER. I made the schematic less confusing so i will post it here. Thats a Picaxe 28x1 on it.





Here is version 1.3. I changed a few things. Wired inputs to the motor drivers using for the picaxe output 0,1,2,3 and the arduino uses outputs 2,3,4,5. Also i changed the resistors to be mounted vertically. I would call it done unless i need to fix some things.




i have attached the updated schematic and board eagle files. Also i attached the pictures that are above so you can see the board and schematic bigger without having to download eagle.


use the sn754410NE instead

use the sn754410NE instead of the l293, pin compatible, but better.

I’m hip.


Everything MUST be a 3 pin servo connection with + - S

Gotta have a few i2c pins out.

Maybe an eeprom or two?

Mounting holes (Hey picaxe, (crazy idea, I know) put some damn mounting holes in your boards!)

I like screw terminals for batt and motors, but that’s just me --pins are a LOT cheaper

And for all that is holy in the world,  A FRIGGIN’ ON/OFF SWITCH!! Why don’t people put these on “universal” boards?!?!?


All great input. I do not

All great input. I do not know if you trying to say it in order, but servo pins are - + S. 

Nice catch

Actually, I was just typing fast. Man, I would not have noticed that in a million years.



This was actually brand

This was actually brand specific…as long as you know what the wires mean, it doesn’t really matter.

(No subject)


Added 4 10uf electrolytic. Another .1uf for the ARef. A 4x2 pin header for the Picaxe giving 4 SDA and 4 SCl and the resistors for the I2c. And 2 mounting holes. I would never have this board made until i get my hands on one of those inverter chips and can prove that using the Arduino FTDI cable will work on the picaxe. Also if it did work then i would make a hex inverter breakout board that would allow you to program other picaxe boards with the Arduino FTDI cable.

Which outputs should be used

Which outputs should be used for the motor drivers? or should i just add headers and the user can decide that? 

Posted the new version.

Posted the new version. Still has needs to be doubled checked and some things might need fixing.

Updated the post. Thats

Updated the post. Thats about it folks, do not know what else it needs. What do you think? maybe when made the PCB for sale $6 free shipping in USA?

One thing i just did was

One thing i just did was make the traces for the motor outputs thicker, i saw the smaller traces as a possible problem. 

Realized that the analog

Realized that the analog labels were wrong for the arduino, fixed it.