I reciently got a PICAXE high power board with a built in L293D chip. This is my first PIXAXE. Does anyone know where I can download software? Also does anyone have any codes for a robot using a sharp analog sensor and servo? I am use to Parallax basic stamp and could probally figure out how to change I/O pins. I know PICAXE is popular on LMR. It is cheap compared to the basic stamp but noticed the I/O assignments on the pins are fixed.
software here: http://www.rev-ed.co.uk/picaxe/ (click on the software tab on top)
tutorial 6 in the first manual in the help menu has details on how to use analogue sensors.
manual 2 is all the Picaxe basic commands; look up the command ‘servo’.
I think the picaxe-18x has fixed I/O, but a lot of the other ones are pretty flexible.
Thanks for the response
I should get the board in the next few days. I am also curious about the programming cable. The R/S 232 hook up seems simple enough. For my parallax stuff I use their R/S 232 to USB convertor plug. I think it would also work on PIC stuff with the drivers installed. Am I correct in assuming this?
Well the start here robot
Well the start here robot has a bit of code to use the analogue sensor and the servo.