Hey all, ive just received quite a few componants tho i dont know what most of them do, i am learning about the datasheets of each peice that i have tho, i just need to know a few things and any support i can get to get this thing rolling...
Processors i have:
uM-FPU coprocessor (V2) // PICAXE-08M microcontroller // PICAXE-18X microcontroller //PICAXE 28X2 microcontroller
my goal is to interface with the program called "logicator" so i can see the code and learn from it and eventually code my own output
i have:
(USB AXE027 interface) 100 (10k Resistors) and 100 (0r resistors), (18 Blue LEDS) (diods bat85) (rectifier diods 1n4001) (transistors bcx38c) 3 pin (resonators 10mhz) and (15 100nF Capcitors) and large amounts of CAT5 Cable
As you can see i have put some images bellow, please inspect them, this is my first ever time making my own hardware, but i will learn quickly as i have wanted to do this for many years now.
ok my problem is: I am running the PICAXE-08M on the bread board
when i connect the usb connector to my Bread Board and scan on COM4 for its PICAXE Type, the blue LED will show and with a voltage of 2.5Volts, (I do not know what the maximum voltage is for these) which is telling me the chip is receiving and sending, but when the light goes out, i get an error on screen:
Error - Hardware not found on COM4!
Possible causes:
1) Hardware not connected (THO IT IS)
2) Hardware not powerd (I thought because the light was on it is drawing power from the usb its self)
3) Hardware needs a reset (i dont even know how to do this lol)
Please help me with this! :P i really want to get into creating all types of hardware, and when possible PC controlled VU meters! :D
Any type of feed back would ne nice and i would be very greatfull, My life of building electronics starts here, with you fine people!.