PIC 16F628A microcontroller LED Chaser

For a project im working on, i need to incorporate a bunch of LED’s. (#8)
The LED’s will need to be positioned in a circle like fashion 'pointing outwards. (more on this when i post the main project)
Im building a disk like PCB that will allow this.

After running some ideas of how i want to “present” the lights (flashing, running a sequence, etc) i starting thinking of those little LED chasers you can buy.

i have found a nice little kit that will allow me to do everything i want.

The heart of the LED chaser is the PIC 16F628A microcontroller, IC2. The program that runs on this chip controls the LEDs attached to the output port pins. Resistors R1 thru R8 limit the current through LED1 - LED8 to a safe level that won’t damage the PICs I/O ports or LEDs. Resistor R9 provides a pull-up for the input connected to switch S1. R10 holds the PICs MCLR reset signal high.

Capacitor C1 is used to decouple the 5 volt power supply to the PIC.

The voltage regulator used is a LM2931-5.0, low-drop-out regulator and will maintain regulation with an input voltage down to 6 volts. Input voltage for the LED chaser should be between 6 volts and 14 volts to ensure power dissipation remains within limits. The LM2931-5.0 regulator is designed for battery powered and automotive applications and includes internal current limiting, thermal shutdown, as well as reverse battery connection without damage to itself or the circuit behind it. Capacitor C3 is important and must be fitted to prevent instability of the regulator output.

The program looks like this:

[code]Control 1,8 ;RepeatCount =8

hold 5 ;5x10ms = 50ms delay
sdat 3,2,1,0,3,2,1,0 ;seq
hold 5 ;5x10ms = 50ms delay
sdat 0,3,2,1,0,3,2,1 ;seq
hold 7 ; 7x10ms = 70ms delay
sdat 1,0,3,2,1,0,3,2 ;seq
hold 8 ;8x10ms = 80ms delay
sdat 2,1,0,3,2,1,0,3 ;seq

seqend ; RepeatCount = RepeatCount -1[/code]

i like new toys! :wink:

Hi Innerbreed,

May i suggest…:

I will probably get one for my QuadCopter…!

kinda the same thing. although yes i would have liked more LEDs. :wink:

Lilypad full:


I realy like that little controller… I will get one for sure…
And it’s arduino, so should not be hard to program…

now that would be better. very cool. :wink:

The problem that i didn’t see at first, is that the outputs are not symetrical… take a look at the pins name on the pictures.

Oh… just fount that one…

Sorry again… but that one too…

those are almost double what i paid for the cheap PIC 16F628A.
the reason im not really looking for a good quality one 'is that its not really going to be seen. its just to add a simple visual effect. thanks for those link. might become handy. :wink:

Working on some LED strip and a arduino… just for play.

I made a led sequencer project a while back and used this as the basic circuit using MikroE pic basic.
It worked really nice.I Hope this could be helpful to you

Really early testing… :wink:

Nice… :wink:

Sorry to post a lot of video… :stuck_out_tongue:

no worries. thats what this thread is for i guess. thanks for sharing. :wink:

Another test…

And a cool round led chaser…!!


Cool! 8)

Looks great :smiley:

Another product that does this is from BM (lynxmotion.com/p-748-cylon-r … splay.aspx)


for my application a bendable one like that would be ideal. if it can be bent round in a circle it would be perfect.
would need to be at least 350mm long though to rap around a 110mm diameter circle.

Look good… i didn’t know there was lighting at Lynx… :wink: