phone gate

this is actually not a robot, but im still learning and try to start building one. its my 1st project using PIC. it is a gate/door that can be open and close by a mobilephone and the gate can call you back when there is accurance of a breack in. i will upload the vidio as soon as possible.

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I cant wait for the video!
I cant wait for the video!

Sounds cool. Are you able to
Sounds cool. Are you able to share schematics or code?

**scemetic and code, **
sure i can, i use c language in mplab, im to bz wif my final examination rite now, by next week ill upload the video , scematic,and source code…

Proud with all of you.

Proud with all of you. “Malaysia Boleh”.

This is a very exciting
This is a very exciting project.I look forward to seeing more!