
Hi, I am an impassioned of robot esapode, I have realized similar to one of it phoenix checked by ssc32 and bot board 2 of the lynxmotion and fed by a battery 7,2 v. 3,6 amps. The all driven with a ps2.
For the debugging I have followed the tutorial Phoenix bot board 2.
How software I have used Micro Basic Atom Pro IDE v8.0.1.7 and I have loaded on the botboard Phoenix 1,3.bas, the everything works. but the movements are messy.

Scondo me the anomaly is that the dimensions of my esapode are different from those original.

You can point out me with a sketch how to find the distances under you point out.
Distance X from center of the body to the Left Front coxa
Distance Z from center of the body to the Left Front coxa
Distance X from center of the body to the Left Middle coxa
Distance Z from center of the body to the Left Middle coxa
Distance X from center of the body to the Left Rear coxa
Distance Z from center of the body to the Left Rear coax
:blush: :blush:
Thanks for the help
geppino dall’ Italy.

You should be able to get the dimensions just by measuring with a ruler

When looking at your robot from above with the robot’s head facing you…the Z-axis is front to back and
the x-axis is side to side. The robot’s right front leg is (-,-) on the axis and it’s rear left leg is (+,+). Having
said that, the leg-distance offsets are the length along the z axis and x axis from the center of the robot
point (0,0) to the center of each of the coxa servos
So measure from the Center of the body to each Coxa servo.

this might help.
ignore my numbers

Thank you for having answered. you have been very clear.
