Phoenix and PS2 control Problems

I set up my Phoenix with some minor bumps but after I got past the programming the Robot won’t move. When I press the “select” button 7 times it gives one tone and a final different tone at 8, when I press the “square” button it gives alternating tines each time I press it, and pressing start stops this and enebles this(on/off I presume). However the robot does not respond to any other button or joystick command, I.E. does not move or make any other tones.
Thoughts on this subject would be much appreciated. I uploaded this program into the Atom Pro,

Hi EarthDragon,

First of all welcome to this forum and gratz on your phoenix!

The sounds you’re describing are telling me that you’ve uploading the program correctly and there is nothing wrong with your Bot Board (BB2) or PS2. The problem can be in a couple of things.

The SSC isn’t getting any data:
The BB2 sends his commands to the SSC using the red/yellow/black cable running between the 2. It should be connected on P10 and P11 like shown in the figure below. Make sure you’ve got everything connected as shown in this figure. If the connection is fine you should see a green led flashing on the SSC when the bot is on. This means that it receives data.

The SSC is set to a different baud rate:
The data will be send with a baud of 38.4k. Make sure the jumpers on the SSC are installed that way. This can also be seen at the figure.

How did you setup the power? The phoenix needs a 9V battery for the logic and a 6V Batterypack for the servo’s. The phoenix uses 18 servos that can easy draw up to 10 or 12 Amps. Make sure you’re using a good rated (battery)source for that. Don’t connect it to a normal net power adapter since most can’t handle the amps. Make sure the batteries are connected as shown in the figure and make sure they are fully charged.

I hope this helps


Ah I see, The tutorial said set the Buad rate to 115.2 or so that is what I read and I read it several times over. That makes sense because The SSC-32 had the green flashing led and I kinda figured it had to do with a communication error with the SSC-32. Thanks for the help I am deffinatly coming back to the forums for some autonamous programming help…but thats later. Thanks again. :slight_smile: