PhD in Robotics

Dear Friend in LMR,

I m planing to study the PhD this year. I decided to Make my study about Robotics. I need  suggestions for good Universities, Super visors and Project proposals. any advices, comments or suggestions will be highly appreciated. the degree that i m looking for is PhD in Electronic and/or Communication Engineering. the detailed profession  could be Robot Building Programing...etc 


best regards



Any specific country/region?

Any specific country/region?

USA or Europe. i m

USA or Europe. i m submitting to Essex University and Cardiff University in the current time. However, living (with family) in UK is more expensive than other countries.


A few good ones are

A few good ones are Carnegie-Mellon University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford, University of Pennsylvania, and the list goes on.  I suggest googling for schools and research them individually to see the pros and cons of each.