Personal Robot Adam

In last video, robot Adam controlled by VR HTC VIVE. Since, the kinematic scheme of the robot is different from the human, the principle of reverse kinematics was used to control it. This work was done within 2 months.

This work is the result of a collaboration between VRlabDV (@VRlabDV - company that create games for VR) and Robot LTD CO (@alexander.gan), company (startup) that design personal robot named Adam. Robot Adam is designed for University and laboratorys, mostly for research and education purposes, but also for expo and entertainment. 
Robot LTD Co - small startup is resident of "Skolkovo" foundation in Russia, like Silicon Valley in California USA.


New photo!



What's New? 

The kinematics of the robot in the articulation of the knees has been improved, gear gearing has been modernized in the same area,  has been introduced quick-release joints have been introduced in the area of the forearm, hands, and the upper press. The manipulators have been modernized, their weight has decreased, the design has changed, and the four-fingered manipulator has been developed. A printed circuit board is developed - a dynamic RGB backlight with an MCU for the active stereoscopic vision of the robot, this highlight will express the emotions of the robot, as well as display its status; The modification of the demonstration version of the control program has been made, namely, a function by means of which it is possible to generate and store various manipulator movements is added.

Personal Robot Adam is positioned as a programmable humanoid robot for educational purposes and research. The robot is designed for universities and laboratories for research and education in robotics. The project is unique in the use of active stereoscopic vision system. Adam is able to change the viewing angle and easily recognize objects in contrast to their counterparts that use a system of passive view. Active stereo vision system is also used to estimate the distance to the desired objectives and works on the principle that the closer to the goal, the more accurate assessment of target coordinate readings. Adam also has a control system that allows you to control him in one or two clicks. An example of such control may be a video game type strategy. Those you click on the destination - video on a portable device (mobile phone, tablet, laptop, PC) is transferred from the active stereovision system, and choose the action after which the robot is doing everything yourself. Robot manipulators is operated on the principle of inverse kinematics, and the mathematical model of the manipulator control has been developed by our team, and has a feature different from the classical one. Therefore, the same principle to manage all of the robot's body. Moreover, the robot is able to transform and to be more compact or massive, depending on the task. Adam has 33 degrees of freedom, the chassis by means of which it can be moved in several ways - to walk or ride. Also you can use robot in your home like security robot and like robot assistant.


Video - test manipulators:

Video - Innorobo2016 expo:

Presentation of the project:







Personal robot Adam for research and education

  • Actuators / output devices: AX-18, RX-24F, MX-28, RX-64, MX-64R, dynamixel
  • Control method: autonomous, USB, WI-FI
  • CPU: Raspberry Pi 3B
  • Operating system: Linux, Windows
  • Power source: 4S 14.8v 8000mAh Battery
  • Programming language: C++, C#
  • Sensors / input devices: video camera, ultrasonic
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Tell me more

While I see a nicely written paragraph of a robot that would quite nice to have do you have any pictures or videos of this.

Is this maybe a proposed project that you are still working out the details on.

Please provide us with more input.


I try

Thank you for your comment!

I try upload pictures but it can’t served. I don’t know why.

**JeffRo **

I try upload pictures but it can’t served. I don’t know why.

Nice Design

Nice design work you have done. It reminds me of a praying Mantis.

Which servos are you using in your bot?

I noticed that it has a teather cable attached to the bot, does the bot have a onboard computer?

Look forward to hearing more on your project.



Seems like you were successful in uploading. Really well done! It looks like they were taken at an event - did you create it as part of a company?


Regarding the comment:

"P.S. The content that I posted will be reviewed within 1 business day. It has been flagged for review either because it is my first post. That why I can’t reply on some comments and finish my page."

We do apologize for any inconvenience - this is the current approach to limit spamming by reviewing the first post. You should not see this message again.

Yes me too, the way the arms

Yes me too, the way the arms are folded …Very interesting shape but a nice robot !

cool design

This is a very cool shaped robot. I like humanoid robots and this one remebers me on a science fiction monster robot. Maybe if you changed the color to a dark one, that would be interesting then. I like the moves he can do with his arms.


Thank you for your support! Yes this robot was on innorobo 2016 in Paris! I create this robot before than the company opened. At this time it’s my startup.


Thank you JeffRo for nice comment! That right, I design my robot like praying Mantis, because I love this insect.

I use dynamixel servo like: XL-320, AX-12A, RX-24F, MX-24, RX-64, MX-64R.

At this moment I use my laptop, that why you see cable. 

At the next time I will update my page and you may see all process of design and new version of my robot.


Thank you opidopi!

Thank you opidopi!


I work on new design, now. And I want change color, I think use mix black and white. I will try do as you advised me and post pictures.

Thank you!


I like how the robot can transform form a stable tank like platform to a humanoid.

**Thank you! **

Thank you! 

oh man ! Jesus christ !

oh man ! Jesus christ ! awesome robot.

how many people involved in this project ? are you planning to sell this ?

btw inverse kinematic is complicated unless with the help of IK solver, btw have you tried perceptual control theory ?

as for me, I combined perceptual control theory, geometry database and some inverse kinematic (inverse kinematic solver is very helpful for me)

Hi! Thank’s for nice

Hi! Thank’s for nice comment!

In this project involv 3 people! But most of work is done by me. Yes, we are planning to sell. At this time I work on new disign!

It’s not classical inverses kinematic. All math methods i developed by me, using geometric approach. Perceptual contorl theory i not tried, but I think it’s will be intresting for me.

Love it!

These are my favorite types of robots on LMR, the ones that, more or less, resemble living things and are autonomous.

Excellent work with the design, the build, everything. Very well done.

Thank you very much! In the

Thank you very much! In the next update I plan make new hands with fingers. At this moment i’m work on it. 

so what does it do? It’s a very nice kit, but if I buy one does it do anything? Or will I have to write a lot of software to make it useful? You mention it can be used for home security, does it have that function pre-programmed? How does it detect an intruder or other alarm condition? If it detects something, what action does it take?