This is Perfected Titan, my minisumo for this years Robot-SM. It's main controller is an Atmega328 running at 16MHz. The two motors are controlled via an L298N H-bridge. The wheel are Fingertechs Cobra wheels, made out of hardness A20 polyutherane. All the code can be found at my gitweb
Here's the schematic
And the pcb layout
Here's a gif image of the assembly process
This is a very early mockup I did with cardboard for a chassie
More videos to come :)
Push other robots ouf of the ring
- Actuators / output devices: 35:1 Fingertech Goldspark motors with Cobra wheels
- Control method: autonomous
- CPU: atmega328
- Power source: 800 mAh 3 cell Lithium Polymer
- Programming language: C
- Sensors / input devices: Sharp IR, CNY70
- Target environment: Dohyo
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