PEP - Can't Generate my First Gait

I’ve read through the manual several times and have tried several times to walk through the tutorial on generating gaits on Page 13, but the gaits I’m getting are really off. My Phoneix winds up doing some strange “double steps”, tilts to one side, and generally has spasms! Looks pretty cool though, like a spider in a bad mood. Ha!

Is there a problem with that portion of the PEP manual? What could I be missing? I’ve made a few observations as I walk through the 6 steps:

Step 1 - Seems to work fine
Step 2 - Seems to work fine
Step 3 - Seems to work fine
Step 4 - When I click the “Read Step” button, my Phoenix does NOT move, the positions in PEP seem to, but not the robot itself. I have it locked, and it moves on all the other steps.
Step 5 - The robot stands WAY up on it’s toes
Step 6 - Seems to work fine

I’ve worked through the manual enough to Export everything, and get it over into the Visual Sequencer, but the steps are just way off. I’ve attached the exported .csv file in case that’s at all helpful. The learning curve on this process is pretty steep, but if I could get a working work flow to start from, I’m sure I can figure this all out! Thanks!

-Jeff (1.27 KB)

I may have figured this out actually. . .it looks like Step 5 has me pressing the wrong button. I believe that step should read the DOWN button. The set-up paragraph has the correctly referenced Backward/Forward button, but then it reverses in the steps. The gait I generated once I flipped that seems to work fine!


That’s correct.
Like I mentioned in your other thread, the manual is a little out of date and is based on the PEP v1.06. The manual is correct for that version though. I did flip that function since I felt it more logic to hit the UP button for moving the body upward (moving the leg downward).

I might update the manual one time, sorry for the inconvenience.

Thanks Zenta! I think I have got the hang of it all now. What an amazing piece of work that is…THANKS.

I am exporting a bunch of poses and gaits into Zbasic functions, so my Phoenix will be scampering around autonomously any day now!


P.S. I agree the new way is far more intuitive.