PCB Schematic help and suggestions wanted

Schematic_1.0.png (8067Bytes)
Schematic_1.0.sch (50295Bytes)
Schematic_1.1.sch (83022Bytes)
Schematic_1.1.brd (24426Bytes)

I've been learning how to use Eagle and have tried designing my own PCB schematic for a 28x pic with L293D and molex connectors.

The first draft at it is in the attachment.


I'm attempting to make a layout version once this has been proven and complete so I can print them off, then make my own PCB boards.


You will notice that the external resonator is not shown, this is because I couldn't find a symbol for it in Eagle., but I have made room and wiring for it.


Have a look, see what you think. Suggestions greatly appreciated.


Oh the other things missing are the regulated supply and switches which will be on the board too.


**Edit just added the Eagle file as well as the image file**




Have added version 1.1 for review, comments appreciated

Hmmm, just tried to add that
Hmmm, just tried to add that to the library and can’t find it when I go into ‘add’ and the left hand panel. Have installed the file in to the libr folder in the applications folder. Worked before on another libr file I downloaded.

Thanks Oddbot for your
Thanks Oddbot for your input, the L293 wiring came from the ‘PICAXE MICROCONTROLLER

PROGRAMMING SYSTEM’ manual on page 8. which shows the same as I have wired it up. I guess I need to re RTFM. The ic2 connections are the pin 14 and 15?

I’m not sure about the jumpers thought e.g… where i put those on the board.


Thanks guys for your input,

Thanks guys for your input, have rewired the above suggestions but will have to work on the jumpers next week when I’m off duty.