PCA9685 servos driver and RC receiver both on SaberBooth 32


I want to drive two 300W motors with SaberBooth32 board, with two sources:

  • RC receiver, in order to manualy drive the motors with RC command;
  • PC 9685 board and RaspBerry Pi

The three elements are connecting with “Y” cable.

The Saberbooth receive power from batteries, and gives power to RC receiver (no need of external power),
The PCA 9685 board receives 5V power from 12V/5V converter which receives itself power from battery;
The Raspberry driving the PCA 9685 board receives power from same converter.

Is there any problem of power reference ?
Is it possible to do such a circuit ?

Shema picture on https://ibb.co/64jLRRj

Best regards.

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Hello @FPI and welcome to the RobotShop forum!

Your connection diagram is missing some grounds so it is hard to tell if there is any problem with power reference. You have the general idea of the connections but keep in mind that each motor has two connections to the Sabertooth. The receiver should have the 5V, GND, and two signals connected to the Sabertooth. I’m not sure what the connection from the Sabertooth to the PCA9685 is or why the PCA9685 is even there, I’m guessing you want to connect some servos later. If that’s the case then simply make these connections to the Raspberry Pi and the battery (in this case the voltage regulator):