Party Lumibot

Whenever there is a shadow, somewhere is light.

The Party Lumibot is a remote controllable and autonomous lamp-bot that is somekind of desktop-robot. It consists of white and pink LEDs that are controlled from an Arduino. The pink LEDs are prepared with shrink-tube to get water resistant and submarine able. The head is composed of seven transparent one-way plastic cubs. The body is a 1.5L PET bottle filled with water. Controlled via remote control through a IR sensor to the microcontroller.


The Story

Here a little backround on why this robot was built and for what purpose.

First... Lumi layed some red LEDs onto Frits's new foam airplane...

Then, 15hrs later Frits and Francisco played with a bottle... actually shooting the plastic bottle through the apron in front of the hangar using a self made rubberband shooter. Shadows came in and the visual of the bottle got potential. So Francisco went and soldered all red LEDs together and put them into the bottle - and lighted it up. Red light.


Some hours later Isotope went on with the fresh tinkered light thingies and left even more light into the shadow.


Infected by this luminance the ground-crew from LMR went on to tinker the party lamp for the evening.

As usual this party lumibot took longer as one expected so the last tinkerers followed the others to this bar in the middle of a green garden.


To then show the Party Lumibot to the others.

A lamp made of plastic cubs and a plastic bottle. With seven white lamps on the rotateable head and some submarine lamps under water. Arty...

This lamp is remote controlled through this IR control method where the remote controller can switch the lights on/off and rotate the head left/right.


This something else was created while the Campus Party Berlin.


Before the Making

But before that, LMR was discussing with other communities about the life, the universe and everything.


About the challenges the different communities face and how these challenges could be tackled.


So Antonio represented LMR and in his speach he talked about sharing, friendship and the essentialness of failure ... and the LMR interpretation that if it fails we just call it art.


So all communities introduced themselves and got accompained by Angel from the Campus Party. Here Josef from the RoboterNetz talks about his community.



So that was it. Another day and another something made in Berlin.


Further Readings

Using a PicooZ IR Remote Control  
   This tip shows you how to use a PicooZ infrared remote control with an Arduino.

   Future vehicles and enterpreneurs

   Unabhängige Community für Roboter- und Elektronik Bastler, Studenten, Techniker, Ingenieure und Erfinder.

Robotik Labor
   German Podcast about topics in robotics. 

   You learn by solving challenging problems and pursuing udacious projects with world-renowned university instructors (not by watching long, boring lectures). At Udacity, we put you, the student, at the center of the universe.

Freakin lol!

Freakin lol!

LOL²That’s a cool post and


That’s a cool post and also a good chance to see the other guys projects. 

Max, you are right, we found new frends there. Knowing each other in the forum is just one thing but get to know you guys in real live is just awesome²