Painfully slow crawler WIP

Used Arduino Uno and Adafruit motor shield to control this robot.

I tried to build an “inchworm” similar to the hexbug design, but it went horribly wrong!
The final result is cool, not quite what I wanted, but a good learning experience none the less.

Again used steel strapping that is commonly used for plumbing applications to construct the frame and most of the linkages.

Moves forward

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 medium sized servos

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


is an interesting locomotion theme. With all the zip ties, obviously a prototype. :smiley:


it is art

reminds me of

@Maxhirez Ideally there
@Maxhirez Ideally there would need to be a third servo at the bottom to pivot the structure.

For this particular design I need to go back to the proverbial drawing board though…

@jorgen: Most of what I do is art, so yes!