After a few months in its box, I fully charged my Ozobot Evo (3 hours) and connected it to my PC.
I upgraded the firmware and started using Ozoblocky. The programs runs ok for 3/4 times, but Ozobot quickly doesn’t have enough battery i.e. the program runs for 2 seconds before a red led is on, switching off Ozobot.
Could it be an issue with the battery? If so, can it be replaced from serviced ?
I bought it from RobotShop.com in 08/2020.
Yes, this sounds like a problem with the battery. I am not sure if this can be fixed, or the unit needs to be replaced.
Since it is out of warranty, it is best to contact supplier directly (in this case, Technext supplies Ozobots in EU https://www.technext.fr/copy-of-home).
I am an elementary teacher and we have had lots of different Robots. I notice after 3 years almost all the robots lose their battery life if they are being charged regularly. Unfortuanately most of them like ozobots build them so you can’t replace the battery. I finally got one of the support people to admit 3 years is the life of most of their batteries. School invest a lot in these sets like Sphero, Ozobot and should be aware that 3 years of regular use is the limit to get proper use out of them.