Osccon bit, please check if i'm right

I want to set the frequency of my PIC16F1828. 

the chip: http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/41419A.pdf

the osccon setup is page 60 to 71.

I want to set it to 8MHz, so with looking at the datasheet I think I need to set the osccon= 01110011 

I'm not sure if I'm right so could someone please verify this?


I also have to enable rollover 0.1ms or something around that for my Timer0 function, but I can't find the value that I need to set tmr0 to.



Where I'm getting my information for this: http://www.matrixtsl.com/resources/files/articles/MX027%20-%20Controlling%20a%20Servomotor%20with%20timer0.pdf


Your OSCCON value should give 8MHz to the CPU and peripherals as will it disable the PLL. The bigger question is why. If this is related to your earlier post about getting the PWM to work at 50Hz I think you are on the wrong track.