I want to set the frequency of my PIC16F1828.
the chip: http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/41419A.pdf
the osccon setup is page 60 to 71.
I want to set it to 8MHz, so with looking at the datasheet I think I need to set the osccon= 01110011
I'm not sure if I'm right so could someone please verify this?
I also have to enable rollover 0.1ms or something around that for my Timer0 function, but I can't find the value that I need to set tmr0 to.
Where I'm getting my information for this: http://www.matrixtsl.com/resources/files/articles/MX027%20-%20Controlling%20a%20Servomotor%20with%20timer0.pdf