Options for a programmable companion?

Hello! I hope this is the right place to post this, haha.

I’m a novice programmer (I use visual coding usually) & I’m looking for a programmable robot that I can use as a companion or pet. The main things I’m looking for are the ability to “purr” (maybe by activating a motor?), touch sensor, and low-level communication (either via a LED display that makes different faces, or by sending messages to my phone via bluetooth?).

Is there a robot that I could do this with, without having to worry about soldering wires and such? Or would I have to learn to build my own custom robot?

Thanks for your time & sorry if this is a silly question!

EDIT: To clarify, I do not want a Fur Real Friends type thing. Robots that kinda-sorta look like actual animals give me the creeps. Something that just looks like a robot is perfectly fine for me!

Hello @robopetlover and welcome to the RobotShop community!

You can find lots of options in the Robot Toys section of the store, some of the most popular are:

I excluded the realistic pets so you don’t get creeped out haha but I recommend checking the section and if you like a particular robot but have questions about it you can always come back and ask here.

You may also want to give a look at the Robots & Kits section and this guide also has some suggestions for beginners:

PS: It is not a silly question! In fact, it is a very common question :wink: