I am programming in C++ and have been able to save a .oni depth file for testing purposes using OpenNI2.
I am now however unable to load this .ONI file back into a program to use. My code used is as follows:
Status rc_ = openni::STATUS_OK;
Device device_;
rc_ = OpenNI::initialize();
char* fileaddress = "C:\\Users\\James\\DepthRecording1.oni";
rc_ = device_.open(fileaddress);
After the .open line has been executed, rc_ has the following status : STATUS_NO_DEVICE.
This is however the method of loading files as specified in the OpenNI2 documentation, and this code is proven to work if file address is switch for "openni::ANY_DEVICE", in which case it loads my 3D camera (Orbbec Astra).
Does anyone know what needs to be changed/ added in order to be able to load the file?