One to multiple raspberry pi drone communication and coordination

Hi recently I have been started a project about drone swarm coordination. Currently I am thinking if we can use a central computer to control like 5 drones with raspberry pi 4 on board to do something like formations. The flight control part was decided but now we are struggling on wireless communication between raspberry pis. May I ask for some insight of how can we achieve using a computer to send dedicated signal or command to specific raspberry pi drone, and those drones can internally communicate with each other to exchange data. Any components or sensor needed could also be provided. Thanks

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@pakninninnin Welcome to the RobotShop Community. Zigbee and ZBee technology might help. You’ll need to connect one to the Raspberry Pi somehow (easiest might be USB).

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Hi! Thanks for you detailed suggestion. I gonna delve deep on Zigbee. Thanks a lot

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