One more First bot

After far to much time spent gathering parts, I put together my bot. I skipped using a servo for the moment so it turns on its tracks to measure distance left and right. After the time spent putting it together, and coding it, it felt amazing to see it navigating the kitchen floor. I'll have a video up soon.


***UPDATE #1***

Built on a picaxe 28x1 micro controller and programmed in BASIC ( i think?!)

Tamiya dual gear box

Tamiya Track and Wheel set

A sharp infrared sensor as the range finder.


Originally i planned on getting at least the gearbox into the project box. Needless to say that didn't work. Currently nothing is inside of the project box but I'd like to take some time and change that fact in the near future.

*** UPDATE #2***

OK finally got some pictures up, a video will soon follow as soon as google tells me its done baking. I have not made any changes since i first put this together. I do have a speaker I'd like to get attached, and tweak the code a bit, so that it doesn't wiggle in the corner as much as it does now.


Navigate around objects via infrared

  • Actuators / output devices: Tamyia Double Gearbox at 115:1
  • CPU: Picaxe 28x1
  • Power source: 3 AA cells
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp GP2Y0A21YK0F IR sensor
  • Target environment: indoor, carpet

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


Very nice! I look forward to watching it in action! What microcontroller/ language did you use?


You should put the batteries
You should put the batteries in it.

that looks really mean and
that looks really mean and tough. i like where you ve mounted the range sensor too. i reckon you could make with little rotating turret just to have some fun =)

** **

I thought about putting the
I thought about putting the batteries in the project box, and then i realized 'd have to take the entire thing apart to replace the batteries. not something i am willing to deal with at the moment. Maybe i’ll throw on a few LEDs for the “pimp-my-bot” factor.

A speaker would fit in! That
A speaker would fit in! That is extremely handsome for debugging! And afterwards you can leave some of the sounds, and you have a robot that talks "R2D2", but you understand what it means :slight_smile: ("beebuboip" mens wall in front, changing to subroutine, beep beep is an indication far to the wall etc…)

speaker you say?

now a speaker would be fun, now i just have to souce a small speaker from someplace…

nice job! 5pt! are the
nice job! 5pt! are the tracks you used old, or you just bought the kit. because it’s out of stock in and by Tamiya too… i want such tracks SO bad and next week a friend of mine is flying to Europe so the moment was perfect… :frowning:

More pictures?
Once again, amazing job. Could you post a couple more pics?




Hobby Engineering has them. Not sure if they ship outside the US though.

They do:

They do:

(I live in Denmark, Europe)

actually i picked them up from I’m not sure what their shipping policies are though. I like this kit a lot, it comes with enough segments to make a decent sized track, and plenty of road,idler wheels. They are a bit too grippy on carpet though.

Yeah, we need more pictures
Yeah, we need more pictures of this thing!

Go on the offensive


Get one of these: Desktop Defender

to stick on the top. My kids got me one for Father’s day. The turret is motorised and a dual-channel motor controller could easily move the turret up/down, left/right with the firing of the missile controlled by a small telecomms relay.

I’m thinking of hooking it up to the serial port of my PC and mounting it on my desk at work. Hmmm… I wonder if I could have it track the target…

What a great idea. I’d love to give this thing the ability to hunt down the friendly dog.