Omni Rover with Servo and 4 Independent Motors


I recently bought the Omni Rover, I’d like to have an IR sensor mounted on a servo on the front. The servo library for arduino disables PWM on pins 9 and 10 though, which means the first motor (M1, or whichever motor one has connected to pin 10) is inoperable when the servo library is imported. Is there any way to work the Omni with 4 independent motors as intended and also have a servo attached? If so, how would I go about doing this.


It seems to have worked, thanks for the help!

I also found the SoftwareServo library, which was a quick fix in the meantime. I like your solution better though, as I don’t have to call the refresh function every 50ms.

We’re glad it worked. Thanks for letting us know!


I haven’t noticed this problem before. I would recommend trying the following:

]Set the pinMode of pin 10 to input. /:m]
]Use a wire to connect pin 10 to pin 3. /:m]
]Change the the E1 variable to use pin 3 instead of 10. /:m]

This should allow you to control the affected motor using pin 3 instead of pin 10, but without having to do modifications to the PCB. This would then leave pins 2, 4, and 9 available for servo control or other digital input/output.

Please let us know if this works!