Old Avatars

Thought it might be good to log a history of folks' old avatars.



Over on the left, there is how my original avatar should have looked. It was supposed to be animated with me spinning around. Frits reckons it would have been irritating and is glad the resizer stripped all but the last frame out. So all you ever saw was the bald spot at the back of my head.

So, there you have it: This was BOA.

At the top right, probably one that's most recognsied as "BoA, the Nutter." Replacing it with the one at the bottom right, which I'm not too happy with, but it's ME.

Update: Have changed back to BoA the Nutter.

hmmkay. point being?
hmmkay. point being?

Ah. The point.
Must there be a point? Show us your old avatars.

I could not find mine, but
I could not find mine, but here is one from same series…

Bad stereo?

Why d’you wear headphones inteh car?

(Yes, I know. It’s not a car.)

My topic
…and what are you doing in my topic? Post your own.

Hey, old man… You think you

Hey, old man… You think you have made what we call "a blog entry", where you write something, and the rest of us glace… But this is a "forum topic" - where you start a "thread", a so called "topic" - where people continue the same "content" that you have started a "thread" in!

And here is my second avatar - the one before the one I have now!


I thought you said you don’t

I thought you said you don’t actually fly planes? Liar!


I see it slightly

I see it slightly differently, young man. I had hoped that what I had done was to create a new forum, cleverly titled "Our Past Avatars". Then within, the idea was a topic called "My avatars".

See, the forum is about OUR avatars (the clue is in the name) and this topic is about MY avatars (hint).

I hoped that folk would create their own "my avatars" topic where we could give them abuse about their photos.

You failed. Live’s a

You failed. Live’s a bitch.


Check out my robots - https://www.robotshop.com/letsmakerobots/user/319/robots

Lol again - you are funny
Lol again - you are funny today :smiley:

I don’t. I was only allowed
I don’t. I was only allowed to try to steer, and I am not in the first pilots seat… and… the plane is on the ground :smiley:

I assumed it was one of
I assumed it was one of those wacky Euro things where the driver seat is on the wrong side.

That is not a Euro-thing -

That is not a Euro-thing - that is a UK-thing!

Like not all people from the US lives in Beverly Hills and is called Moped-John amongst friends, though SOME are!

Yeah, definately you.
Yeah, definately you.

If that plane is on the ground, it’s at the top of a bloody steep hill.

I agree

Yes. Whacky Euros mostly do have the steering wheel on the wrong side.

Althyough, I think the drivers seat is normally on the correct side.

I don’t think I like you any more.

Man someone had an overdose
Man someone had an overdose of bitchy pills today… I don’t think he took them orally either :wink:

OK, it may be @ takeoff :slight_smile:
OK, it may be @ takeoff :slight_smile: