Oh No Another Johnny 5!- updated!

a quick power on test :-


That is a really cool bot! I like how you added voice effects from the movie. I use to watch it over and over again as a kid with hype about robots.

Great job!

White Crow


i am still busy adding the wav files.still plenty to do yet.i am also working on having the “eyelids” move.

Just curious, was the pico itx able to handle both cameras smoothly?
Did you notice any frame drops or low frame rate. Although I would be using 1 cam.


at the moment i am only using one cam with roborealm.the pico itx seems to cope ok.i am using a stripped down version of XP which makes it alot quicker.at some point i will be using both cams.


What is the resolution you are setting for the camera?

I have tried 640 for the pico.
It is OK with one camera, but as I tried two camera at 640, it start to slow down.

Maybe, a bad driver … not sure…
Let me know how it is going with two cameras.!

yes i use the same setting (640) and it is ok,but as you said its a bit slow with two cameras,so i am going down the route of trying newer drivers etc,but no luck as yet on improving frame rate.

One thing to note, for machine vision 640x480 is overkill for most purposes. I run my cameras at 160x120 for Roborealm, and can run two np at those frames. For telepresence I bump them up to 640 and just run one.