Obstacle and free fall avoidance with mBot Special #ArduinoDay 2016

As you may know, here in Let's Make Robots we are doing something a bit more special for the Arduino Day 2016.

It's not that we are only fans of the Arduino plarform, but we find it very convenient to start robotics, also to keep developing.

To show how easy and fast can it be, I have developed an upgraded version of mBot thanks to our friends of Makeblock.

This new version has some improvements in order to avoid free fall from a table for example:

  • Two flowing line sensors at the front to avoid free fall from the front.
  • A surprise gesture including wide open "eyes" and noise to show there is void at the front.
  • Faster speed.

The software looks like this:

Obstacle and free fall avoidance with mBot Special #ArduinoDay 2016


The best is to see the video and how the robot is moving. As always the code is attached just in case you want to test it.


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/obstacle-and-free-fall-avoidance-with-mbot-special-arduinoday-2016

comment and enquiry

Wow, what a great job!

I am fan of  Arduino, so I want to build a robot that  avoid obstcles and and identifies object using wireless camera. I would like you to assist me with what to do in this aspect.

  Which method do think is better to be used in establishing communication between computer and the robot for image       processing and sending command to the robot ? What are the cheaper method of achieving that?

Hopping to  hear from you.   thanks



Thank you Shehu,

Sorry but I don’t have specific experience on what you ask. But there are many project around Let’s make robots about that. Have a look on this seach and I’m sure you’ll find several projects that will help you. Keep going and don’t forget to publish your projects here. Thanks!

This is Helen from

This is Helen from Makeblock, an open-source Arduino-based robotics contruction platform. Could you tell me your E-mail address ?

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