NXT drum robot programmed in RobotC

NXT robot that drums. Programed in RobotC. The attachment is the file that I have made so far (download it and open with notepad if you don't have RobotC)
It's now apart and I'm trying to make a moving thing again. Finded out that servos that is included in the Tetrix package is much faster and controllable than those NXT motors.
Are probably going to do a blog about Moon Robotics team (First Tech Challange here we come.)
Someone who has been on a First tech Challange that can give me tips me about anything.







Drums with its arms on the table or drum

  • Actuators / output devices: 3 NXT motors
  • Control method: autonomous
  • Operating system: windows XP, Windows XP Pro
  • Power source: 6 AA batteries
  • Programming language: RobotC
  • Sensors / input devices: NXT touch sensor
  • Target environment: indoors

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/nxt-drum-robot-programmed-in-robotc

I wanna hear it beat a

I wanna hear it beat a rhythm.


Coming but

Coming but have poor sound quality.

/Emil Hemdal (SWE)

looks like this robot hand i

looks like this robot hand i bought a few years ago for hallowween, but cant wait to see the drum solo

It’s here now!

The movie is uploaded now and ready to be watched (sorry for the poor sound quality.)

/Emil Hemdal (SWE)

Nice moves Emil. Make your

Nice moves Emil. Make your program loop to get some longer riffs
