Nunchuck resolution problem to control a remote rover?

Hello all,

With a home made remote control console with 2 gimbal joysticks  (similar to the Parallax : 27808 item and a small lcd screen, i control via a arduino Uno and xbee a rover with no problem.

Since i wanted a second controller wich i could hold in one hand i adapted a Nunchuck to control the same rover also with a arduino Uno and xbee and a very simpel protocol.

Both are functioning , the rover control with the console remote works fine but the rover control with the Nunchuck version is very abrupt, movement is almost not controllable, its a kind of a all or nothing.

I noticed do that with the gimbal joysticks  i have to map a range from 0-1024 (analog in) to 0-180 (servo pwm) but with the nunchuck i have to map from 0-255 to 0-180.

Could this be the cause of my problem , if yes could i smooth the nunchuck control out in software, if possible at the transmitter side, would like to keep the receiver side compatible with my console  ?

I'm using servo RC pwm signal because almost every motor controller support this.

Hope i made my problem clear enough :)

Thanks for any reply.

Never mind, found a

Never mind, found a workaround by implementing a slow mode with one of the Nunchuck buttons.