Novice seeking DIY baby device advice


I’m a mom of 4 and have a toddler obsessed with TV remotes and Xbox 360 buttons. He just wants to push buttons and turn on light bulbs and push more buttons and turn off light bulbs.

So, I wanna make a device but I don’t know anything about electronics. I’m willing to learn though. So I’m wondering if y’all would help be put one together. I’m thinking of something with little LED bulbs in a column down the left side of the face of the device and a button or a few types of buttons to correlate with the bulbs in a column on the right side of the face of the device.

So, here’s where I need your help. If you’re willing, please post a list of items you think I’d need to put it together. I’m crafty so I can work with my hands and put the whole thing together. I just don’t know anything about circuit boards and components. And I’ll need some sort of plastic type box that I can screw the front and back together so it doesn’t come apart.

Anyway, thanks to anyone willing to help me out. :+1:t2::slightly_smiling_face:

Hey @SarahB

The electronics would be the hardest part of this project.
I’ve found a nice video showing how to build such a toy: