Nova 5

It does everything i want him to do.

  • Actuators / output devices: Camera servo, 2 ultra-bright LEDs
  • Control method: Multiple / Joystick or gamepad via wifi from laptop
  • CPU: ARM1176JZF-S @ 700 Mhz + ATmega2560 @ 16 Mhz
  • Operating system: Debian Linux
  • Power source: Anker Astro USB 5V, 8400 mAh
  • Programming language: C++, PHP, bash, AutoIt v3
  • Sensors / input devices: GPS, Ultra Sound, Bluetooth, temperature sensor, Wifi-antenna, HD-camera
  • Target environment: In- and outdoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I really have to post my

I really have to post my trials because I think I could use some experience from your build.

I’m building from a DFRobot 4WD with a Romeo board (arduino) and I’m planning to add on top a Raspberry Pi to have some OpenCV stuff.

Could you explain what you used to interact between your 2 boards ?


This was a little bit

This was a little bit tricky, since i wanted to use PHP as the server language on the Raspberry Pi.

My first try was to connect them via I²C - connected via the GPIO pins (RasPi as master, Arduino as slave), here is a quite nice tutorial:

I’ve written commands via a bash-call “i2cset”.

Since i could not read over I²C for some reason (i2cget just didn’t triggered the “read”-event on Arduino) i started to connect them over a USB cable. (Serial communication)

Here is a quite nice tutorial as well:

The only thing i had to add was a bash call after every boot:

# stty -F /dev/ttyACM0 cs8 9600 ignbrk -brkint -imaxbel -opost -onlcr -isig -icanon -iexten -echo -echoe -echok -echoctl -echoke noflsh -ixon -crtscts

After this call the serial communication worked quite fine, i’m using simple fopen/fread/fwrite commands from PHP to access the /dev/ACM0 usb device.

P.S.: Do not power your Arduino from an external power source when connecting it via USB cable with your Raspberry Pi because it will get powered over the normal USB port without a fuse.

If you are having any problems you are welcome to contact me!

That’s the tutorial I wanted

That’s the tutorial I wanted to follow! :slight_smile:

If I understand what is explained in the tutorial, there’s no voltage issue if  the Pi is the master and the Arduino the slave.

But as I tend to bump on each “that’s not going to happen” in my experiments, so I’ll be carefull and find the way to protect the physical connection :wink:


In my case the I²C

In my case the I²C connection worked fine (except of the problem with the onRequest on Arduino not getting triggered via i2cget) when connecting the SCI/SCL/GND directly to Arduino/Raspberry Pi GPIO. :slight_smile: