I just got my Pixaxe 18x starter pack in the mail (YAY http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=8326) and the one thing that seems to be lacking is complete documentation. :)
All the output pins seem to go through the darlington driver and the pins coming from it are all negative (-) -- not positive (+). Usually when you set a pin to "high" it goes positive, right? This seems to reverse that. I'm not exactly sure how to connect this to the motor driver or do serial output. I hope this question makes sense.
Basically, I'd love any information anyone has about this board. Has anybody used this board before?
Yes, that was what I Yes, that was what I needed! Since the darlington basically makes the pins "high" ground, I just removed the chip and used jumpers from my breadboard to connect to the picaxe pins through the darlington DIP socket.