Not receiving the correct data. Using VirtualWire

Transmitter.pde (2626Bytes)
Reciever.pde (1176Bytes)

I would like to use a code for sending the temperatur and humidity. One day before, I started with sending just a short message like: LMR is cool. TX= Transmitter RX=Reciever

It only worked when I used:

Arduino IDE 020 and VirtualWire 1.10 for RX

and Arduino IDE 020 and VirtualWire 1.10 for TX.


When I use Arduino IDE 1.0.3 and VirtualWire 1.4 for RX 

and Arduino IDE 1.0.3 and VirtualWire (VW) 1.4 for TX it didn't. 


When I use Arduino IDE 1.0.3 and VirtualWire 1.10 for RX 

and Arduino IDE 1.0.3 and VirtualWire (VW) 1.10 for TX it didn't.


When I use Arduino IDE 020 and VirtualWire 1.4 for RX 

and Arduino IDE 1.0.3 and VirtualWire (VW) 1.10 for TX it works


Where's the problem? Compatibilty? Any idea how to fix that?

Later I decided to set up a wireless tempertur sending modul. (Thanks to Gareth). I use Sensor DHT11 and Arduino Nano (TX) and Arduino Mega (Rx). And on the Serial Monitor (9600) I got ÿ24.0ßC þ31.0%. Thats not what I need, have a look at the code.

I added the code for TX and RX. 


So there are two problems. Compatibilty and this one.