Not able to control servos with SSC-32U and Track skull v2

I’m new to robotics. I’m trying to control 4 servos with a SSC-32U and TrackSkul v2. I have set everything up as described. board is getting communications and power. However, when I connect to Trackskul and try to move the servos nothing happens. Also tried using a Pololu Mini Maestro with the same result. Everything looks fine but no servo movement.

Help [email protected]

@noel_marquis Welcome to the RobotShop Community. Can you see if you can get the SSC-32U working on its own using the SSC-32 Servo Sequencer Software? If’s free:

You can also use this to verify the baud rate, wiring, power etc. If you’re not sure about the connections, include a photo or two here and we’ll take a look. Some points to note include:

  • Power goes to VS1 (red to +, black to -). You don’t need to connect anything to VL or VS2. Most RC servos operate nicely at 6V. Ensure your power supply can provide enough current for all the servos you will have connected.
  • Connect the servos to the SSC-32U starting with 0 up to 16 (first row of pins) ensuring that the black goes to GND, red in the middle and signal to PULSE.
  • The baud rate in the program needs to match the baud rate on the board. Same if you want to connect the SSC-32U to the TrackSkull software via USB.
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