Hello All.
To start let me just say that unfortunately I’m a complete zero on programming and on robotics in general(coming from the RC helis/cars world).
Hoping that you could help me with the programming and the wiring part that is driving me crazy.
I’m trying to use an Arduino Uno to control the hexapod trough a SSC-32U Board via the PS2 V2 controller, till now without any success.
I’ve downloaded all the necessary code from github and have copied them to the arduino library(in attach I’ve included a picture of what my library looks like).
Please have in mind that all the arduino architecture is all new to me.
For testing and from the phoenix directory I’ve manage to compile and upload the “Chr3_RC_SSC32” to the arduino successfully.
For the “Phoenix_PS2_SSC32” I could not compile due to an error of Wprogram.h not found.
The arduino its connected to the PS2 V2 controller in the following order:
Arduino »»»»PS2 V2 controller
Pin GND to GND
Pin 3.3v to 5v
Pin 13 to CLK
Pin 10 to ATT
Pin 11 to CMD
Pin 12 to DAT
After powering up the arduino, the PS2 receiver starts blinking one red led and after turning on the remote, both red leds turn solid, so I think the wiring is correct.
For the connection between the arduino and the SSC-32U board the connections are:
Arduino »»»»SSC-32U
Pin TX to RX
Pin GND to G
To power the SSC-32U board I was using a 3.7v lipo connected to one ubec; and with the arduino powered up by the usb(pc), I was hoping to see some movement of the servo, after pressing all buttons on the lynxmotion remote, but nothing happened(I’ve also included a picture of the test setup).
For the SSC32-U board I’ve tried to test it also with the SSC-32 Servo Sequencer Utility, connecting the board to the pc by USB; the board is found by the utility on the correct COM port. I was hoping that I could test just one servo but again, without success; I’ve tried on both locations on the board(from 6 to 24 positions and so on), but the servo didn’t move after moving the slider on the utility.
For this test with the utility got sometimes an error of “cycle power”.
To end, what it makes me confused is still the arduino architecture, what is needed on the library to make it work; like, I’ve managed to upload the Chr3_RC_SSC32 code, but then, would not also be needed for instance the PS2X_lib on the arduino for the remote to work.
Thank you for any of your help .