No Power to BotBoarduino

My BotBoarduino has power when it is connected by USB to a laptop. When I use the wall plug, the board started smoking. When I use a 9V battery, nothing happens. I have attached photos of the board with connections. Please let me know what I should do.

Don’t use the 9V, and triple-check the VS harness to see that it’s not shorting somewhere. Check the connections at the screw terminals to see that there’s no loose cable (again, causing a short).
Are you using the 6V wall adapter included or are you using a different one?
Do you know what smoked and where?

The smoke is coming from the chip with identification GKLFA212 next to the place where the power inputs are screwed in.

I confirmed that I am using a 6 volt wall adapter.

It seems as though you may have had either a loose wire creating a short circuit, or accidentally reversed positive and negative. Can you check physically if that may be the case?

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I ran into this same issue. There is a header on the Botboarduino to select external power supply (Header 17). By default, it is USB. I switched it to external and the 9v battery is now powering the board.

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