Nitinol Flexible Glove

Hey guys!

I’m conducting a fun project using Flexinol (200 µm) and I’m trying to figure out the control architecture behind it. (I am not an electrical engineer :). Essentially I want to create a flexible glove with nitinol as the pulling force. The finger design will be similar to this one (Skip to 0.30). Instead of the string displayed, I want to use the nitinol there instead. As it contracts, the silicone will be pulled with the nitinol and the use of semi rigid and flexible silicone with ensure that the finger contracts according to human anatomy.

The only project we have seen using an Arduino to control the Nitinol is this video and we are trying to recreate it but we aren’t sure about the control architecture.

    For example, what type of MOSFET do we use, how do we know which one to use, and why do we need one. Specifications of the Nitinol include:
    -Linear Resistance (Ω/m): 31
    -Recommended Current(mA): 610
    -Recommended Power (W/m): 12.0

We could really use some help as we were also open to any ideas for the antagonistic force (or the force opposing the wire so that it can return to its original shape). We were thinking of using a motor which would be placed on the wrist and a string on the edge of each finger. When the nitinol is heated, the motor will then pull the string which pulls the fingers back to place. (For this would we need a MOSFET too?)

Willing to buy any needed materials and any help would be very appreciated!

You can start with the following materials:
IRLZ44N MOSFETs IRLZ44N - Infineon Technologies
Arduino UNO or NANO
Flyback diodes for motor control.
L298 Introduction to L298 - The Engineering Projects
Adjustable DC supply (e.g., 24V, 5A).
Flexinol wires
Wires, Resistors, and Connectors For circuit building.

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I have all of those materials except for the fly back diodes and adjustable DC supply. How do you build the circuit from there with, for example, a 200 micrometer diameter of nitinol wire.