Nippon - Line Follower


Hello everyone!

This is my first LMR construction, it is also my first "pro" linefollower and it was prepared for SumoChallenge2009 in Poland. My girlfriend called him "Nippon" - don't ask me why :)

Engines' nominal voltage is 3V - I switched them directly to 6V,  used PWM=254 but they were still too slow... So changing engines is my priority at the next update.

I made PCBs by myself - standard technique using iron, "smooth" paper and B327. I used special paint for soldermask, dedicated for glass (known in Poland as EnSold).

Top side:

Bottom side:

An idea for chasis was born, when I was cleaning my room - it's not a toy-car or other space ship; I used... an old CD-rack :)

LCD is mounted only for sensors' calibration - Nippon is too heavy with it.

Here are some photos - enjoy :)

 Old, boring CD-rack:

Whoah! All parts fit perfectly!

Sensors' PCB and batteries mounted:

Mainboard and LCD mounted:

Radiator for L298 added (engines use about 0,8A each)

Almost ready to rock ;)

First tests of electronics attached to Nippon - everything works fine!


More on my website: Robot kategorii Linefollower - Nippon

Follows the line ;)

  • Actuators / output devices: about 60:1 AVT gears (need to be changed - they are too slow!)
  • CPU: Atmega16 14MHz
  • Power source: 4x AA 1.5V cells
  • Programming language: Bascom (Basic for AVR) with some asm
  • Sensors / input devices: tcrt5000 (reflex. transoptors)
  • Target environment: indoor flat surfaces

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I love it
Looks awesome - very clean and aesthetic project - from the PCB to chassis, everything looks great. Did you have any luck with the competition?

Cool!How does it do on a


How does it do on a straight line? ZigZag?


Thanks :slight_smile:

No, not really… Nippon was much too slo. I will try again after changing engines and upgrading program (I will use PID regulator)

Take a look at the motors at
Take a look at the motors at - they are relatively inexpensive and quite speedy with proper gear ratio (no, I am not their representative ;P)

Program uses PWM, so it
Program uses PWM, so it moves quite smooth on straight line - i’ll try to post some video after a few days

very nice frame / body! good job on the PCB too.Very cool bot.

Yeah I have to agree about

Yeah I have to agree about the chassis, if the batmobile was a line follower this would be it!

Top notch!

Yeah, the cd rack gives him

Yeah, the cd rack gives him a very aggressive look, badass!

Bardzo dobrze! :slight_smile:



Musze Ci powiedziec ze waglada on bardzo ciekawie.

Super robota!

thanks/dzięki :slight_smile:
thanks/dzięki :slight_smile:

Coolest CD rack…
That is one mean looking CD rack-bot conversion! I have a CD rack sort of like yours, but it is simply collecting dust on my file cabinet. Never occurred to me I should maybe make a robot out of it! Very inspiring - remidns me that one should look around at ones discards and idle devices as robot materials sources. :slight_smile: Nice work on the PC board too. Anyway, thanks for posting Niippon for us all to see. Nippon ROCKS!

Thanks and my pleasure

Thanks and my pleasure :slight_smile:

When you are out of money and time, best ideas are born :slight_smile:

