I wanted a robot tank.
I build this robot as a tank.
It is equipped with 4 servos modified
The actuators are fixed by cages at ""
The controller card is part of the kit "pob pack2" home ""
The camera is mounted on a servomotor for the vertical displacement.
The camera allows the acknowledgment for the forms.
A viewer can see images of the camera and it can also follow the instructions on the screen.


  • Actuators / output devices: 5 servo
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: Pob pack 2
  • Operating system: Windows
  • Power source: 11.7 DC Lipo 2000mA
  • Programming language: Risbee II
  • Sensors / input devices: camera

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Very nice looking robot. Can

Very nice looking robot. Can you tell us a bit about the Pob kits? What sort of processors are those? This is the first I’ve heard of them.

** I like your robot. What**

 I like your robot. What type of camera on your robot is that?

the camera comes in with the

the camera comes in with the main board, is a kit.

pob technology

here is the adress to the company marketing the kit.