Very user friendly.
The first thing that you do is turn it on and adjust your servo endpoints.
(You do this so that your servos don’t try to move farther than the brackets allow them to.)
After that initail hassle (which isn’t difficult, just annoying, because you want to get to the good stuff), it’s all downhill.
You open the sequencer part of the program, build your robot in whatever way makes sense to you.
And, then you adjust the sliders, save the position, adjust them a bit more, save that one, yadda yadda yadda.
And then you play the whole sequence.
I really like how the playing is set up.
You have individual positions which are saved within a sequence, then multiple sequences get saved into a program.
It makes it very easy to program complex behaviors.
Instead of having to make each sequence, you can copy ones that you’ve already banged out and move them into a new part of the program.
I also like how there’s little markers on the sliders that show where your last position was, so you don’t have to remember where it was.
Overall Rating: A+
Well, the snags that I’ve run into with the WiPort have all been software-related.
I actually just got it running again last night (odd, it seems to like to cooperate at night) by changing a few network settings around.
It’s talking to my computer, now, and I’ve assigned it a static IP address (so it doesn’t have to search for a free one every time it’s reset).
But I haven’t been able to get it to assign itself to a COM port properly, yet, which will enable me to get rid of the serial cable —> SSC-32 that I use now.
I’ve been pestering David (dgarske, on these forums) and he’s been a great help.
I’ll let you all know exactly how I got it working, once I actually get it working.
If I told you now, it would be very convoluted, and filled with a lot of unecessary tasks.
About the batteries, yea I managed to stuff one in a bit crooked.

I thought it looked rather dashing for the photo, as it sort of looks like a head.
I’m going to try to ignore the WiPort for today, and get my lil’ bugger walking around.