Well I am not sure what to do for my next robot. I would love to build a UAV but it is very pricy like 500 dollars. I'm not quite sure what my other alternative would be but I would like an awesome new robot to build. Anyway, I'll do more research, even though I did a ton already and see what I should do next. So we will see I guess....
I've decided to make as small of obstacle avoider as I can. I will as I said earlier make it avoid obstacles on my desk and avoid falling off the edge. I will use an arduino mini (to patrick's credit), or another small board. It'll have a motor driver with tiny motors. My goal is for it to be no larger than a 2in. cube. Thanks for the help deciding!!
**Im in a similar boat and my**<br><p>Im in a similar boat and my advice would be to look at some simple problems around the home/school/workplace that you could build a robot to address.
autonomous vacuum cleaner?
a robot to carry your books and/or tools?
a rubbish bin that ties its own bag and drives it out to the curb on pickup day?
Trying to solve a problem gives you an actual goal to work towards.
That was actually an idea I That was actually an idea I seriously considered. I would love to have an autonomous pool robot, however, I’m not good with underwater robotics. Do you know of any good resources I could use or any places I could get started?
I find it amusing that you don’t think those things are cool…the fact that we actualy have the means to program a microchip to do our bidding is cool enough as it is…just doing something as simple as adding that to a roomba is even cooler…
Well since you already have Well since you already have the gps and ardupilot why not a UGV. Alot cheaper i suppose. But you do have to make gps points go around things but thats no biggy