Newbie question

Hey everyone, I’m new to the site. I’ve been looking forever for good quality track and I think I’ve finally found it. I have an outdoor bot project in the planning stage, and was considering the three inch track. I just have one question:

I was looking at the assembly guide for the track links, and I was wondering if the nylon axles/end rivets needed to assemble the tracks come with the links? Common sense tells me they do, but experience tells me not to trust my common sense with things like this. I didn’t see any mention of this on the order page for the links.


you will discover with lynxmotion that generally speaking there is more hardware in the bag than needed to get the jobs done. the tracks are complete kits with 21 segments, at least 22 nylon rods, and easily 50 of the push pins. :wink:

Thanks for the fast reply. I’m looking forward to getting this order :mrgreen: