I just purchased the MDDS30.
I am running a single 24v motor project and at the moment want it to be basic and simple.
I see that this controller can take an analog input from a potentiometer to control speed.
Can someone show me example of how to accomplish this please?
If i am satisfied with the way this controller function I may in the future do more with PWM and arduino connectivity.
For now I just wat to keep it simple.
Thank you
Hello @Dragon327 and welcome to the RobotShop forum,
You can find more information about analog control in the product manual (page 18).
I hope that helps!
As my post suggests, I want to control the motor speed with a potentiometer, neither one of your examples show me that.
thank you for the response.
The manual I linked as well as the tutorial using the joystick use an analog input (the same as it would be with a potentiometer). I couldn’t find a tutorial with the same driver and a rotational potentiometer.
If you have any specific questions regarding the connection feel free to ask, although the wiring mentioned in the video should help you out. There they use a 2-axis joystick so they can connect two input signals, in your case you would have to connect two different potentiometers if you plan to use two motors.
I shared the second tutorial because you mentioned you might use PWM and an Arduino in the future.
Having read more of the manual and seeing what pins do what on the board, I did an ANALOG experiment.
So, while this board will take a Analog/PWM signal generated externally.
It does not accept a true analog signal (0-5v) as i first thought.
While i do have raspberry PI boards and multiple arduino boards, this board did not serve my initial project guidelines and I did find 1 for 1/3 the price with better voltage and current specs with the controls already in place to meet my needs.
maybe i will find a use for this board at a later date.
thank you