New TRI-TRACKer here!

Hi Guys,

I have been following the robotics scene for some time now, and am soon to start my first Robot Project - based on the** TRI-TRACK **Chassis !

One minor hurdle (or could it be major?), I am actually in the UK!

Can anyone please recommend any decent UK Retailers that sell the Tri-Track Chassis Kit, plus Motor Boards and accessory Robot components, that I will be able to use to build this Chassis up !!?

Am I aloud to say this here? … But I am very keen on using the ooPic Programmable EEPROM Controller Board. Will this provide power/connectivity to a couple of Motors, or will I still need to buy a dedicated Motor Board for the Tri-Track ?

I look forward to your welcome, from across the pond, and any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Steve! :wink:

We do have many international distributors - here’s the list. … egoryID=23

Hi Snailkeeper - Thankyou for your prompt reply! Much appreciated.

That is a co-incidence, as the listed UK distributor I did actually come across their website today. :wink: Will give them a call…

OK, so elaborating on this then…

The Tri-Track that they supply in Kit form comes with Two 7.2v Gearhead motors. However, they DONT stock your Sabertooth Motor controller board - therefore do you have any other recommendations of what Motor Board is a popular choice, as an alternative?

Also will the ooPic EEPROM board provide direct connectivity to the Motors for example?


Interesting - By noting the LACK of Views my Thread has had in comparison to the majority of other Threads in this Section - proves that Americans really are stuck up their own…

Simply by stating that I am in the UK appears to have prejudiced me in some way?? Also only 1 reply (but does that count as it appears to be from a Board Moderator).

When will you understand that you are not the ONLY species on this planet, and that you are not untouchable - Infact this has been proven countless times on your soil, but you will never learn!

Then you wonder why the rest of the world are ‘picking on you’? Open your eyes before its too late.

When will people stop assuming just because they don’t get any replies we (the North American people) think they are inferior or something?

Look at the initial posting date, and then look at the page views.

You’re asking a question that very few people in North America would know how to answer, other than doing what you should be doing - finding a UK distributor.

If you bothered to go to the Dimension Engineering web site (the place that builds that h-bridge) you’d see they have 3 UK distributors…

  • Jon

The question was answered. I’m not sure how anyone can add to what was posted. You asked where to find distributors for the UK and a link was provided.

I think you are over reacting. :unamused:

Whoa! didn’t see that coming. The TriTrack chassis is a simple differential steered vehicle. Dozens of motor controllers from several manufacturers can do this task. We are all pretty Oopic illiterate here, so you are on your own on that one.

Steve, you are welcome here, and so is anyone else from anywhere else. There are many factors that affect which posts get attention and which ones do not. But where you are from doesn’t enter into the equation. I try my best to make sure nothing gets missed, but with a forum that is as active as this, there is sure to be a post go stale from time to time. Most people just bump it if they are stuck. Chill man. :slight_smile:

I suggest you take your medication or the space ship will come and take you home. :wink:

Since the link to the international distributors list had already been posted by the first time I saw your post, I didn’t feel particularly compelled to post it again. I’m sorry if you felt offended by my failure to assume that you weren’t able click on a link on your own - I could treat you like an incompetent if you’d like, but I much prefer to treat others like human beings, who don’t require the same redundant information thrown in their lap multiple times before realizing that it is what they were looking for in the first place.

I’m also a bit curious as to just how many times we are expected to read posts of questions that have already been answered. I typically read all the new posts in the forums as they’re made, but I don’t usually make a habit of going back to revisit posts that I’ve already read, especially when the information being asked for has already been provided. If you’d like, I can make an effort to come back and re-read your original post every few days, optionally replying by reposting the link to the international vendors listing. (Okay, yes. that last bit was just a little bit snarky. I’m sorry. It probably comes from being stuck up my own…)

As to your interest in the OOPIC Programmable EEPROM Controller Board, I’m afraid that I can’t be of much help to you. I know that I’ve seen a few mentions of the OOPIC here in the forums, but as I don’t use it myself, I haven’t really been keeping notes on who has been using it, or what for. I’m sure that you can probably find some mention of it in various threads if you use the forum’s search function. From there, maybe you could contact some of the users with experience in using the OOPIC module(s).

I’m sorry if the above is not particularly helpful - I usually try to avoid making posts that boil down to “I’m sorry, but I have nothing constructive to contribute to your inquiry,” but since you asked, there it is.

Welcome to the forums, Steve. I’m sure that I’m not the only one who will be interested in hearing about your projects and the progress that you make with them.

I guess if you want to look at parts of the world as being pre-disposed to being against you and you, by your 3rd post even, are already treating them as if they are… it certainly is only a matter of time before you prove yourself correct, isn’t it?

the nuts and bolts of it are you are a relative unknown, well prior to your little outburst here, quantity on this board who has made one post asking for some help and so far has nothing material or otherwise to show for their talk. Personally, I read you initial two posts, saw you were being helped by people in the know, and figured when you had made some progress to show and encouraged discussion of your project that there might be something interesting to post about. That you were in the UK or anywhere else never entered the though process much beyond the title of your thread where you apparently were making some claim to fame of some sort. Why would anyone really care? We get folks posting from all over Europe just as much as South America and South-east Asia. It is great that you feel a sense of accomplishment in having been the first UK based hobbyist to post about their project… but no more or less great than anybody else… so why are you expecting special treatment? I guess you got some now though didn’t you. :unamused:

very odd. :frowning:

…and by way or the follow-up post:

It’s good to see that you found the UK distributor, and apparently gave them a call, since…

It’s unfortunate that the supplier that you found does not carry the Sabertooth motor controller. This is actually a question that has come up a number of times before, as there have been several threads asking about alternatives, with a number of various replies. These can, I’m sure, be found through the forum’s search feature.

Again, please reference my earlier post in regards to the OOPIC platform, and my unfamiliarity with it.

I have to admit, however, that I’m a bit doubtful that Steve will be reading any of these responses, or replying to them. As he has made only a handful of postings, all three in this thread - the initial question, the follow-up, and the flame-o-rama - there wasn’t a lot to go on in terms of information that might prove useful for constructing a helpful reply. Since his profile lists his location as “Cant say - You will prejudice against me (UK)”, and his occupation as “BAN ME PLEASE!”, I can only assume that he has little interest in reading any further replies that may help to point him in the right direction.

It’s always a shame to see people with an interest in the hobby who become frustrated with it, particularly when they are asking questions with answers that we cannot discern (I, for instance, have no knowledge of which vendors in the UK may carry the Sabertooth controller, nor any real need to possess this knowledge). It is worse, however, when someone misinterprets that lack of knowledge of their personal situation as a direct insult to them.

Way too much energy being spent on a goof-ball troll. :wink:

Thankyou for your replies guys, after further investigation I have now found a couple of distributors that supply a number of Motor Board options - “Couple” being the decisive word.

From this research, it appears Robotics is more of a niche (or specialised?) occupation here, perhaps with the primary interaction being only possible through University or College curriculum. With minimal resources available to the ‘home hobbyist’.

Will admit I’m learning a WEALTH of information from reading the Threads in these forums - highly valuable & educational resource! :slight_smile:

We all have the same interest here (robotics) however the lack of resources (UK specific) that I have found available is proving frustrating. Also as some have mentioned, it is impossible for YOU to possibly know or recommend outlets here in England, when you dont live in the country!

Wish you all the best with your Robotics projects… apologise for my sharp reply above! Peace out.

And zoomkat, I’m trying my hardest not to stoop to your sarcasm. :wink: