hi all and congrats on a great site. I am a newb to robots but I am very interested in building a bipedal bot. my issue is there are so many kits out there im am not shore what one is right for me. I am a automotive tech and very good at puting things together I have built nitro rc cars and electric helicopters so puting a bot together i think i can handal. I had most all of the lego robot kits as a kid (rcx,nxt,vison control,star wars) but im looking for somthing a lil more. I think im going to start off with the brat. it is less $ than any other kit and with the ses i can later add to it big plus in my book do to my nature for building things and the moding them and all that good stuff. but my problum is I have no programing skills at all not to say i cant learn. and I see the brat comes in two forms Autonomous and Serial port-based. my real question is what kit would be better for me. also it says that the ssc-32 program can out put basic atom
so dose that mean i could get the auto kit and the ssc-32 software and program in a gui for a autonomous bot.
thanks for any help and sorry my grammer and spelling suck
p.s i would also like to add sensors and other gadgets to my bot latter on down the road when i get the hang of all this.
again thanks
The brat in my opinion the best starter bot Lynxmotion has to offer. The SEQ software does export basic code for both the Basic Stamp or the Atom MCUs. The code that is exported is only sequence moves and has no intelligence. An example, if you used the sequencer to have the bot walk, turn, walk, then the exported code will do the same which is have it walk, turn, walk over and over again.
You don’t have to be a programming guru, but if you want your bot to do more than just repeat the same steps over and over again, its helpful to learn at least some programming so that you can add sensors, and have your program “Call” sequence steps as needed.
Here is one code that I am working on to use sequences pre-developed. You would add code to do something when a sensor returns a true value:
[code]; ------------------------------------------------------
; Lynxmotion Visual Sequencer SSC-32 ‘Export’ Program
; Sequencer SSC-32 project : Bratinator2
; Date : 11/23/2008 6:23:11 PM
; ------------------------------------------------------
; Format : Basic Atom 24/28 IDE <= V02.2.1.1 or Pro IDE + SSC-32
; Original filename : Bratinator2.bas
; Communication with SSC-32 : BotBoard V2 => Pin 08
; ------------------------------------------------------
Steps Wordtable $0563, $0AF0, $1327, $1CA6, $5D5C, $611B, $7D62, $84B3, $8AAD, $92C8, $9CF9, $DD00, $E090, $E01F, $E01F, |
$03B2, $0AE6, $1334, $1BD2, $5C32, $79F5, $82CC, $8ACA, $9BF9, $DBD0, $D81F, $D81F, |
$0382, $0CE8, $151D, $1A75, $5B2E, $7BAB, $839F, $8D3A, $9585, $9AFC, $DA93, $D81F, $D81F, |
$05BB, $0D11, $1582, $1BD2, $5BF3, $7DAB, $8481, $8C97, $950B, $9C5F, $DBB6, $D81F, $D81F, |
$0425, $0BAA, $1419, $1BC0, $5C1A, $611B, $7BE8, $8411, $8BDC, $9426, $9C36, $DBB7, $E090, $E01F, $E01F, |
$19B6, $7D49, $DA24, $D833, $D833, |
$7D92, $E295, $E033, $E033, |
$1D8A, $DE44, $D833, $D833, |
$1800, $D99A, $E1B8, $E00C, $E00C, |
$0425, $0BAA, $1419, $1BC0, $5C1A, $6000, $7BE8, $8411, $8BDC, $9426, $9C36, $DBB7, $E000, $E01F, $E01F, |
$0425, $0BAA, $1419, $1BC0, $5C1A, $6000, $7BE8, $8411, $8BDC, $9426, $9C36, $DBB7, $E000, $E00F, $E00F, |
$5FAC, $D83E, $D812, $D812, |
$5D67, $9E93, $D99A, $E463, $E012, $E012, |
$192F, $5E46, $6463, $9C36, $DA73, $E000, $E012, $E012, |
$1BC0, $5D67, $6000, $9E93, $D99A, $E463, $E012, $E012, |
$192F, $5E46, $6463, $9C36, $DA73, $E000, $E012, $E012, |
$1BBF, $6000, $DBD7, $D812, $D812, |
$1BC0, $5C1A, $8BD5, $DBB7, $D812, $D812, |
$0425, $0BAA, $1419, $1BC0, $5C1A, $6000, $7BE8, $8411, $8BDC, $9426, $9C36, $DBB7, $E000, $E026, $E026, |
$113A, $1800, $5BF7, $966B, $9FAB, $DC24, $D826, $D826, |
$0BF4, $7D92, $8B66, $8826, $8826, |
$7DAB, $E265, $E026, $E026, |
$0BAA, $1419, $7BE8, $8BDC, $9426, $9C7D, $9826, $9826, |
$1BA3, $7DDB, $D981, $D826, $D826, |
$1800, $DCCD, $E000, $E026, $E026, |
$1BC0, $5C1A, $7BE8, $9C36, $DBB7, $D826, $D826, |
$0425, $0A49, $12B5, $1BC0, $5C1A, $6001, $7BE8, $8411, $8AAC, $92DB, $9C36, $DBB7, $E000, $E015, $E015, |
$0563, $84B1, $8015, $8015, |
$04A2, $0CC0, $152E, $8AEB, $8815, $8815, |
$042C, $8400, $8015, $8015, |
$0389, $828C, $8015, $8015, |
$8D25, $9548, $9015, $9015, |
$044A, $8410, $8015, $8015, |
$041E, $0CE9, $153F, $1BC0, $5C1A, $6001, $7BE8, $83D8, $8D50, $9543, $9C36, $DBB7, $E000, $E015, $E015, |
$03A7, $82CC, $9585, $9015, $9015, |
$83AF, $8AAC, $92DB, $9015, $9015, |
$041A, $8411, $8015, $8015, |
$0563, $8481, $8015, $8015, |
$0494, $0A86, $12CF, $1015, $1015, |
$043B, $8400, $8015, $8015, |
$0425, $0BAA, $1419, $1BC0, $5C1A, $6000, $7BE8, $8411, $8BDC, $9426, $9C36, $DBB7, $E000, $E01F, $E01F, |
$1835, $58A2, $9FAB, $DF48, $D81F, $D81F, |
$7D62, $DBB6, $D81F, $D81F, |
$5C27, $7A56, $781F, $781F, |
$7BF4, $781F, $781F, |
$1BC0, $9C36, $981F, $981F, |
$0425, $0BAA, $1419, $1BC0, $5C1A, $6000, $795B, $8411, $8BDC, $942E, $9C36, $DBB7, $E000, $E01F, $E01F, |
$0425, $0BAA, $1419, $1BC0, $5C27, $6000, $7EA5, $8411, $8BDC, $9426, $9C36, $DBB6, $E000, $E01F, $E01F, |
$0425, $0BAA, $1419, $1BC0, $5C27, $6000, $7BE8, $8411, $8BDC, $9426, $9C36, $DBB6, $E000, $E01F, $E01F, |
$0425, $0BAA, $1345, $1BC0, $5C27, $6000, $7BE8, $8411, $8BDC, $94CD, $9C36, $DBB6, $E000, $E01F, $E01F, |
$0389, $0AC3, $1312, $1BC0, $5C1A, $6000, $7BE8, $832D, $8B3D, $933F, $9C36, $DBB7, $E000, $E01F, $E01F, |
$040A, $83EA, $801F, $801F, |
$0571, $0A8C, $8491, $8B3C, $881F, $881F, |
$0458, $0C7D, $14E3, $8481, $8CC0, $9510, $901F, $901F, |
$0398, $82CC, $801F, $801F, |
$0424, $0BAC, $141A, $198D, $5C24, $6410, $7BE8, $8410, $8BDE, $9424, $9C2E, $DA6F, $E352, $E024, $E024, |
$E000, $E024, $E024
SeqPos Wordtable $0000, |
$0035, |
$0056, |
$0065, |
$00A1, |
$00DA, |
$0103, |
$012D, |
$0151, |
$0160, |
$016F, |
$017E, |
$018D, |
$01B2, |
SSC32 con p8
SeqIndex var Word
Index var Word
LastServo var Byte
TmpServo var Byte
TmpValue var Word
DejaVu var bit
playtime var Byte
LastServo = 99
DejaVu = 0
pause 500
;---------------------------- Key ]--------------------------------------
;Seq List:
;0 - Walk
;1 - RT Arm Throw
;2 - Home Zero
;3 - Attack
;4 - Object Pickup
;5 - Turn RT.
;6 - Turn LT.
;7 - RT Hand Open
;8 - Move Lt & Rt Arms
;9 - Move Head Left
;10 - Move head Right
;11 - Move Head Home
;12 - Look down
;13 - Backup
low 13 'turn on green light to indicate start of main program
; Zero ] Set all servos to center--------------------------------------
SeqIndex = 2 ; zero
gosub seqplayer
; Backup ]------------------------------------------------------------------
;Your Sensor code here - if senesor detects someting, do code
for playtime = 0 to 5
SeqIndex = 13
gosub seqplayer
;======================== End Program ]====================================
high 13 'turn off green light
low 12 'turn on Red light to indicate main program has ended
;======================== Seq Player ]====================================
Seqplayer ; this routine playes the index number you choose to call
'For SeqIndex = 0 to 12 'will cycle through all sequences start to finsh
For Index = SeqPos(SeqIndex) to SeqPos(SeqIndex + 1) - 1
TmpServo = Steps(Index) >> 11
TmpValue = Steps(Index) & 2047
if LastServo = TmpServo then
TmpValue = TmpValue << 5
if DejaVu then
Pause TmpValue
LastServo = 99
serout SSC32,i38400,"T", DEC TmpValue, 13]
DejaVu = DejaVu ^ 1
TmpValue = TmpValue + 500
serout SSC32,i38400,"#", DEC TmpServo, "P", DEC TmpValue]
DejaVu = 0
LastServo = TmpServo
thank you that was what i was looking for. so the better way to go in the long run would be the bot board and atom pro and i could do basic movments in the sequenser to start off and then start learning basic code and move on to sensors and more dof’s as i get beter. if this is the rout i go im going to be coming back here for all the great help you guys/girls give. just to clear on more thing up about the sequenser software. i think this the way it works tell me if im rite. i position the servos where i need them in that phase then move to the next and repet until i have my motion, and then out put to the bot board as basic atom code.
thanks for all the help.
again my spelling and grammer
You are correct. The seq software lets you position the servo or several servos using scroll sliders. Once you have your bot in the position you want, you save it as Step#1. Like frames in a movie, you move the servo(s) to the next position, and when you’re happy, save it as step#2 and so-on. When you have all the steps you need, you save it as a Sequence, and give it a meaningful name such as “WALK” as an example. You can review some of the sequence examples that come with the software an see how they did it. It’s all pretty straight forward.
A tip with creating a sequence: It’s best to create a sequence with as few steps as possible. For example the walking sequence can have as few as 4 steps but when you use a loop the walk will seem endless. What you want to avoid is having 150 steps to make your brat walk. Have four simple steps and make sure the brat is in a position so when the loop starts back in the beginning it will continue on seamlessly.
cool thats what i thought and thanks for the tip. ok lets say i have some sequences set up and good with all of that, would i be able to add the code genarated by them to a new code for the sensors (copy and paste) then all together. this is kinda ironic terminator just came on maybe a sign
lets say i order the brat auto kit and im looking to build a full humanoid at some point should i opt for the upgraded servos now and what size batt should i get so i wont have to get a bigger one later. i have seen on here that some people run into a lil prob with a usb to db9 adpter as i to will be needing one of them to do you have any advice on that mater.
again thanks for the help
spelling and grammer man i need to go back to school!
Yes, when you export the Seq program code, you can modify that code to use sensors and call the sequences using this code:
'For SeqIndex = 0 to 12 'will cycle through all sequences start to finsh
For Index = SeqPos(SeqIndex) to SeqPos(SeqIndex + 1) - 1
TmpServo = Steps(Index) >> 11
TmpValue = Steps(Index) & 2047
if LastServo = TmpServo then
TmpValue = TmpValue << 5
if DejaVu then
Pause TmpValue
LastServo = 99
serout SSC32,i38400,"T", DEC TmpValue, 13]
DejaVu = DejaVu ^ 1
TmpValue = TmpValue + 500
serout SSC32,i38400,"#", DEC TmpServo, "P", DEC TmpValue]
DejaVu = 0
LastServo = TmpServo
Its always best to get the stongest servos you can afford. You could get cheaper servos like HS-475HB and use them for the brat to start, and when you are ready to upgrade to something more complex, use the weaker servos for the arms and new sronger servos for the legs. My brat is using HS-5645MG for the legs and I would not use anything less than that due to the weight.
I’m using this battery youtube.com/watch?v=m1KkLdiCSRg
I have no experiance using RS232 to USB adaptors and your right, there has been lots of issues using these adaptors. I’m not sure which ones work the best but it seems to always be driver issues. Take a look at this thread for starters: lynxmotion.net/viewtopic.php?t=4702
ok thanks you so much you have helped me clear up alot of my ?
now i just have to do some more reading and and i will proly be ordering my brat very soon again thanks for all the help and i look forward to asking many more ? here on this graet forum.
oh and i just watchd you vid and in your discp. you say you use the basic atom to send commands to the ssc-32 what is the advantage of that (are you using the bot bord and ssc-32)
Yes I have both the Basic Atom Pro as well as the Basic Stamp2px. They both are great MCUs. The BAP (basic Atom Pro) is the best of the two. My brat is also using the BB2 (Bot Board 2) and the SSC-32 servo controller.
Glad I was able to help out
if i may ask one more question why would you need to run both controllers (bot board II and ssc-32) dont thay both do the same thing for the most part or am i missing somthing here sorry for all the noob ?
but i like to cover all the bases befor i jump in
No, they are very different. The BB2 is like a mini computer, and the SSC-32 only executes commands received from a remote PC or from a MCU.
You can have just the BB2 and move servos, but it is difficult when compared to using a SSC-32.
You can use just a SSC-32, but you need a PC to send commands via a cable (tethered) or wireless using a dongle of some type. Many people like to use the PC for the control because they can write their own complex programs do what they want.
Using the BB2 and SSC-32 is a great combination and easy to learn. If you are wanting to do the things you described earlier, then you will want to get the BB2, Atom Pro, and the SSC-32 with the Sequencer software.
Nice description of how this stuff works Mike!
Here is more info if you want.
thanks again for the help i did some more searchin around on here and found the answer to my last question be for you got back to me but you
helped explain it all a lil better so thanks again.
with all of this new info i think this is how im going to go
brat kit with the ssc-32 and software
basic atom pro starter kit
the 6v batt you use
that should give me a good start in my robotics adventure
and the ability to do what i want to latter on down the road
what do you think? is there anything im missing
again thanks for the wealth of info
ok guys i jumped in to the hobby
i orderd the brat ssc-32 kit the 6V batt
the batt cable with switch
the basic atom pro starter kit
and the ps2 controler cable (for later)
what do you think
I think …
I know you’re gonna have a good time with that! 8)
Wow, you did jump right in. It’s a lot of fun. The assembly will be over before you want it to end, it’s that much fun putting it all together. The Brat has lots of information available online to help you get started and I would recommend reading over all the tutorials while you wait for the parts to come in to familiarize yourself with the steps and procedures.
yes im very happy and my bot parts should be here by monday
i have been looking all over the forum and the site at all the info
that there is on this stuff its a lil hard to find all of it there is so much info
here i need to start bookmarking the info so i can find it again
i hope i can get the hang of this stuff i realy would like to build a robo one style bot one day and add the sensors to get em wander around on his own
thanks agian for all the help
im shore ill be back for more
oh yea got my kits today and im supper happy
lynxmotion did a wonderful job on packaging this
the best i have seen in a long time. now for the fun part
learning how to use this stuff
i will proly wait till the weekend to start on this
thanks for all the help and im shore ill be back with new ?
p.s im selling all my lego kits check the trading post for more info
oh yea im lovin it got my bot all asm. today and runin the ssc-32 with usb adapter. now to learn the software and learn some basic atom code and
im on my way to my long adventure in buildin a huminoid bot
thanks again for all the aqdvice thus far.
ok here are some pics of my new brat that all the great people here have helped me with
brat with ssc-32 basic atom28 pro on bb2 and a wireless ps2 adapter
brat pics
ok i hope i linked these the rite way
so i know the wires are all over the place but they will be tended to when i finish the humanoid build of may brat
so what do you think
oh and don’t mind the date on the pics just put new batts in the camera
and did not set the date in a hurry at lunch lol
Nice work! 8) Can’t wait to see video.